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When teleporting via Chorus Fruit, the burping and teleporting sounds play at the wrong locationMC-257516
"Fox teleports" sound plays for both Players and Friendly Creatures sound categoriesMC-265805
Executing a tail-recursive function consumes memory resources linearly with recursion depthMC-266052
Subtitles for turning copper bulb on or off display raw translation stringMC-266053
Subtitles for opening or closing a copper trapdoor display raw translation stringMC-266064
Footsteps on Polished Tuff create missing subtitleMC-266084
Top of copper doors include an open part of the windowMC-266086
Tuff bricks do not properly align with other bricksMC-266105
Bat head upside down when spawned while ticks are frozenMC-266112
New Bat's ears are lower than the official render and Bedrock'sMC-266117
Chiseled copper cannot be stonecut from cut copper blocksMC-266147
Copper Door item texture is inconsistent with the blockMC-266197
The "Transfer Now" button in the realms menu cannot be selected via keyboard navigationMC-266215
The pivot point of the head of the new bats is different from that of Bedrock's
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