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When a crossbow is loaded and in the offhand, you do not see it anymore if you carry an item in the main handMC-176615
It is possible to destroy netherite items with lava by putting them inside a containerMC-203563
Cake appears eaten for a split second when putting a candle on itMC-203568
Trying to put a candle onto a candle cake duplicates the candleMC-204058
Placing a candle on a cake causes hunger display desyncMC-204146
Netherite can burn whilst inside of a bundleMC-205057
Bundle inventory preview is off-center inside of the tooltip boxMC-205212
Desync when putting a candle on a cake in Survival modeMC-206721
The empty slot in the bundle tooltip should always be at the top left positionMC-206839
Pointed dripstones cause extreme durability damage to helmetsMC-207125
Loaded crossbow in offhand does not show breaking block hand animationMC-207316
Wool item entities trigger sculk sensors.MC-207323
Dripstones that extend to y level 0 don't fallMC-207404
Walking on wool triggers sculk sensorsMC-207405
Nether stars can be blown up while being inside of a bundle/shulker boxMC-208082
Game stalls when any message is displayed in chat while playing with an expired session
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