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The Absorption effect has no texture for poison/wither hearts (appears empty instead)MC-46650
When flying through blocks in spectator mode in F5, the camera zooms in and out a lotMC-201840
Optional function tags sometimes don't run even when the tag existsMC-203797
Placing or removing a block over the void causes a DecoderException on serversMC-204314
Double copper slabs only drop a single slab when minedMC-205043
Absorption hearts appear broken when taking freezing damageMC-205096
Hardcore hearts lose all color when player is taking freeze damageMC-205391
Waxing cut copper doesn’t prevent it from oxidisingMC-205629
Unused sign cache when rendering signsMC-206553
Pointed Dripstone creates water particles in the NetherMC-206563
Pointed dripstone is not connected to the player's handMC-206578
Large pillars of stalactites don't fall when the block above is removedMC-206583
Cauldrons below stalactites at least 2 blocks tall won't fill upMC-206591
Setting any floating block to a pointed dripstone, causes the replaced block to drop as an itemMC-206594
Large stalactites falling occasionally don't drop all of their pointed dripstone itemsMC-206599
Pointed dripstone can be placed atop each other, even if a player would be inside the hitbox of the lower dripstoneMC-206606
Frustum stage of stalactites negates fall damageMC-206613
Pointed Dripstone duplicates when the block it was attached to is removedMC-206615
Pointed dripstone's hitbox can extend further than a block, causing nearby stalactites to not be able to fallMC-206642
Stalactites destroy items they fall on, however stalagmites don'tMC-206643
When a dripstone's hitbox extends into the space of another block, the area that extends into said block cannot be targetedMC-206669
Inconsistency between dripstone and non-mob entitiesMC-206682
Floating dripstone tips are sometimes left behind from large dripstone pillarsMC-206689
floating pointed dripstone topMC-206691
Pointed dripstone replaces items with pointed dripstone itemsMC-206711
Coding error at net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity.resetPos()MC-206790
Waterlogged dripstone does not updateMC-206878
Pointed dripstone attached to a piston is not removed as the piston extendsMC-206961
Flashing frozen hearts use the poisoned absorption heart texture
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