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TNT animation ends at 80 ticks, ignores fuse length changesMC-53518
Endermen don't attack endermites spawned using spawn eggs or /summonMC-80468
Inconsistency between block namesMC-99189
Client overrides map data of map with id 0 when a new map is createdMC-99259
As of 1.9, the wither health bar doesn't go up during spawnMC-106690
Servers sends SPacketMaps packets even if the map data did not changeMC-110903
Cannot remove horse saddle using /replaceitemMC-143821
Using empty map in creative mode can create additional map with ID 0MC-147729
Crafting via the recipe book can delete items if picking up items while craftingMC-158466
Server Crash (Exception ticking world: ConcurrentModificationException)MC-162910
Additional map is created when using an empty map in Creative in a newly created worldMC-170659
Loss of precision in entity_scores conditionsMC-182954
"block.minecraft.banner.base.<color>" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)MC-183771
Gamemode switcher icons in the F3+F4 menu are not centeredMC-183917
Min and max are both required in entity_scores conditionMC-185605
Kelp generates on top of Magma BlocksMC-188448
Food pops off of campfire when extinguishedMC-189482
LAN World screen buttons are selected in the wrong order when using TabMC-195461
The upper part of potted cactus/bamboo texture is not visible if there is a half block above itMC-195827
"datapackFailure.title" line in "en_us.json" file has double spaces between the translation string and the equivalent textMC-196425
"Off" is not completely capitalized for the Distortion Effects and FOV Effects sliders, which is inconsistent with other slidersMC-197276
Pufferfish gives poison IV instead of IIMC-198514
Creating a superflat world with nothing but air crashes the gameMC-198535
"time_check" predicate condition requires both "min" and "max" valueMC-198725
Crash when clicking "Presets" after setting the superflat preset with a non-existent biomeMC-199988
When accessing a UI of a structure block from /setblock the texture changes from data to saveMC-203551
Putting lava in a cauldron makes the water bucket soundMC-203562
Shulker boxes animate when shulkers doMC-203574
Decorations don't generate in the NetherMC-203621
Unable to pick up experience orbsMC-203622
Arm when using Spyglass aligned wrong on MultiplayerMC-203631
Amethyst buds do not drop themselves with silk touchMC-203643
Command modified bundle has a bigger progress bar than a slotMC-203644
Cats & Ocelots are missing one of their legsMC-203646
Some mobs won't despawn when switched to peacefulMC-203648
The armour stand model floats above its baseMC-203746
Levitation particles go on forever when killed by a levitating creeperMC-203880
Floating creepers / creeper with no AIMC-204054
When using the spyglass with a shield on your secondary hand, the shield appears on the zoomMC-204221
Calcite has transparent texture but is opaque in-gameMC-204861
Datapack format potential conflicts
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