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Smooth Lighting Minimum and Maximum levels no longer differMC-185279
"Done" and "Cancel" buttons in the game rules screen are not selected in the right order when navigating using TabMC-187812
The buttons are not selected in the right order using Tab in the new datapacks and resource packs menusMC-187816
Using Tab multiple times to select a datapack / resource pack from the list does not deselect itMC-227250
Husks and zombies continue converting after their conversion processes start while the liquid causing the conversions is removedMC-236136
Strikethrough and underlined text in the F3 debug menu renders over subtitlesMC-240724
There are no shadows on text displayed within the subtitles overlayMC-248589
World border texture jumps back and forth between two positions as the player's y level changesMC-250246
Moving in mangrove swamps FPS/TPS drop below normal forestsMC-254809
You cannot get water bottles from water in creative mode if there's a potion in your inventoryMC-258159
Pick block doesn't work on Ender DragonMC-258190
Bubble columns let skylight throughMC-258195
Performance degradation of NBT modificationMC-258196
Stray pixel in gui/toasts.pngMC-258203
/data modify thinks NBT is too large, but /data merge doesn'tMC-258209
Storage data is broken
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