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Structure related mobs do not spawn in flat type world generationMC-146854
Player movement favors x axis when in a cornerMC-156309
TNT entities dont properly collide with blocks , when being fires in X directionMC-159952
Camera is shifting when trying to move against a block while in a corner when "Bobbing" is turned onMC-165974
Game pushes east/west you when jump from the inside cornerMC-179315
Ruined portals never generate in superflat worlds by defaultMC-187549
Horizontal velocity is not reset on +/- Z axis in 1.15.2+ when colliding with a wallMC-187911
minecraft:endcity structure has no underscore while end_city_treasure doesMC-193709
When looking exactly to the positive X direction you don't take kinetic damage when gliding with an elytra against a wallMC-195692
Structure 'End City' and configured structure in vanilla end 'End City' use inconsistent identifiersMC-197128
If a custom biome uses multiple configured structure features of the same type, only one of them can generateMC-210612
Strongholds do not generate in certain customized worlds despite /locate saying otherwiseMC-241288
Support for custom structures has been removedMC-244137
The option "level-seed" is not present in server.properties by defaultMC-245850
Buttons in the multiplayer warning menu are not selected in order when using the TAB keyMC-248532
Elytra firework particle spawns on the wrong hand when dual wielding fireworks
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