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- MC-278257
Oxygen bar animation can be interrupted by applying water breathing - MC-278137
Inconsistent behavior occurs when the "Sprint" option is set to "Hold" while riding camels and when players sprint normally - MC-278102
Recipe book icons no longer visually indicate that an item has multiple recipes - MC-278071
"minecraft.used:minecraft.trident" doesn't increase when throwing a trident - MC-278058
Breeze entity model rods no longer spin around when it is moving - MC-277961
Experience orbs incorrectly bounce up - MC-277959
Reloading chunks can break translucency sorting - MC-277916
Containers are locked when upgrading a world from certain versions - MC-277892
Clicking on the selected recipe a second time in the stonecutter GUI turns the result item into a ghost item - MC-277889
Villagers' iron golem detection range is increased for villagers upgraded from 1.21.1 or earlier - MC-277871
Creaking Hearts do not have a unique place sound - MC-277833
Creakings can attack players in the same team as them - MC-277815
Creakings on a team can still be observed and stopped by teammate players - MC-277776
Baby cats and ocelots size is changed - MC-277754
Chunks on the corner of the rendering distance are not synchronized between client and server for the terrain - MC-277742
Creakings activate for a brief moment when switching from Creative to Spectator mode - MC-277682
Arrows and tridents glitch after shooting/throwing them onto magma/soul sand blocks underwater - MC-277658
Tridents glitch up and down in rising bubble columns - MC-277657
Arrows are not correctly affected by rising bubble columns - MC-277651
Arrows and tridents glitch when in an explosion or wind charge burst - MC-277617
The base damage of the Power enchantment was reduced in 1.21 - MC-277557
Creaking Heart has inconsistent and miscolored pixels - MC-277549
Arrows summoned with custom motion don't render correctly - MC-277533
Bundles can remain in the open state when taken out from saved hotbars - MC-277510
When grass or mycelium grows under powder snow the grass is not snowy - MC-277499
Most empty slot icons ignore "scaling" parameter in mcmeta files - MC-277480
There are no shadows on placeholder text displayed within the "Please describe what happened" box within the reporting menu - MC-277479
There are no shadows on text used to display the names of game rules within the game rules menu - MC-277478
The "Layer Material" and "Height" text within the "Superflat Customization" menu is positioned too close to the header separator - MC-277477
There are no shadows on text used to display the description of advancements within the advancements menu - MC-277444
There are no shadows on text used to display the names of text boxes within the realms settings menu - MC-277443
There are no shadows on text displayed when connecting to realms - MC-277441
There are no shadows on text used to display the start date and time left of your realm subscription within the realms menu - MC-277440
There are no shadows on text used to display the speed at which a world is being uploaded within the realms menu - MC-277413
The empty state sprite for the oxygen bar takes a little longer to start displaying compared to Bedrock Edition - MC-277408
There are no shadows on text used to display the description of report categories within the "Select Report Category" menu - MC-277399
The hand animation isn't played when constantly emptying items from bundles - MC-277387
Evokers run away from creakings faster than other illagers - MC-277374
There are no shadows on text used to display the names of lists within the resource pack and data pack menus - MC-277373
There are no shadows on text used to display the names of categories within the key binds menu - MC-277368
The "message(s) selected" text within the "Select Chat Messages to Report" menu is positioned too close to the header separator - MC-277363
Creakings cannot rotate their heads independently from their bodies - MC-277305
Creakings are able to be pushed around by entities and players when standing on soul sand and mud - MC-277275
Crash upon loading chunks when teleporting - MC-277271
Sniffers can't dig into pale moss - MC-277268
Pufferfish have no hit delay on creakings; they make a loud buzzing noise constantly - MC-277264
The Creaking can be knocked back by zoglins - MC-277243
Creakings take knockback from Punch bows - MC-277226
Creakings not linked to any heart display wrong subtitles when attacked with non-damaging projectiles - MC-277214
The sound event associated with the "Creaking sees player" subtitle doesn't exist
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