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  1. Mojang Web Services
  2. WEB-4761

Feedback site creates a new profile upon login, instead of using existing one


    • 898399

      Some people log in to find their account is a new profile with their Real name instead of their real account with Gamertag.

      I don’t really know what’s causing it, but when searching for help on the community support discord (I’d already asked Microsoft, Xbox, Minecraft help to no success), I noted that another person was having an issue with it, community support stated to that person that is was not related to Minecraft and could therefore not help.

      I’m thinking if this is affecting at least two (possibly more) then this is a bug of some sort with the feedback site (regular Minecraft.net is fine though), I hope it qualifies here, I’m sorry if it’s not the kind of bugs you are looking for but I couldn’t find and resources for the feedback website related to this issue.

      P.S: I don’t know the version of the feedback website so I’ve had to use a random version of Minecraft to get this serious issue across, apologies.

            mojangweb [Mojang] Web Team
            PolarMammoth Qui Tom Jinn
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