Resolution: Duplicate
1.17 (Bedrock)
Windows 10 Edition, Bedrock, GTX 1660, Ryzen 5 3000, 16MB of RAM.
Whenever you place a sign, particularly with something that has a many characters, it changes the sign to a different text to the one you typed. I have a feeling it could have something to do with the profanity filter but that is not my forte
Steps to Reproduce:
1.) I placed the sign and typed the following
For 64
Instant Damage
2.) I stopped typing, and exited the sign menu.
3.) I observed what the sign said in-game. Which was, the following
"###### For 64
Instant Damage
I am not sure why this is happening, and it only seems to happen in Realms and not on a local game. And also to be noted it wasn't only happening on my computer, it was also happening on a friend's console. It is very frustrating, and I hope you guys can do something about it.
- duplicates
REALMS-3491 Some normal words are censored or go blank in chat, signs, books, and when renaming.
- Resolved