Resolution: Fixed
PC-1.13.6, PC-1.13.7, MCPE-1.6, MCPE-1.7, MCPE-1.10, MCPE-1.12.1, MCPE-1.13.0, 1.14.30 (Bedrock), 1.14.60 (Bedrock), 1.16 (Bedrock), 1.16.220 (Bedrock), 1.17 (Bedrock), 1.18 (Bedrock), 1.19 (Bedrock), 1.19.10 (Bedrock), 1.19.20 (Bedrock), 1.19.22 (Bedrock), 1.19.31 (Bedrock), 1.19.51 (Bedrock), 1.19.60 (Bedrock), 1.19.81 (Bedrock), 1.20.12 (Bedrock), 1.20.15 (Bedrock), 1.20.62 (Bedrock), 1.21.3 (Bedrock), 1.21.30 (Bedrock), 1.21.31 (Bedrock)
Note: Issues with signs becoming completely blank are tracked in REALMS-9191.
Writing the text "West" results in a blank sign, as if it were a curse word. None of the other cardinal directions are affected (North South or East). If this is an issue with the censorship mechanics, then that is hugely disappointing. I understand that this game should be family-friendly, but this is ridiculous. I would prefer if the censor was toggle-able. Also I am on a private Realms server which I own. I didn't add an image as the issue is pretty straightforward.
- is duplicated by
BDS-12290 Many times when I've been typing in Minecraft, random texts turn to hashtags. I've noticed this happens a lot with coordinates when I type then into command blocks. But it also happens to words in books and signs.
- Resolved
BDS-19370 Profanity Filter too reactive
- Resolved
MC-206875 Text on sign is still disappearing.
- Resolved
MCL-22827 I can't speak finnish with my friend because of censoring
- Resolved
MCPE-46609 Text bugged
- Resolved
MCPE-46788 Sign Text Dissapearing
- Resolved
MCPE-52805 Lost or corrupt text on posters and in chat.
- Resolved
MCPE-53997 Weird words censored on Signs
- Resolved
MCPE-57223 Game Chat / Signage censorship filter is completely broken and needs revisiting.
- Resolved
MCPE-58428 cencoring non curse words
- Resolved
MCPE-65700 Sign Bug
- Resolved
MCPE-65774 Sign words disappear
- Resolved
MCPE-66548 If you type "FlyerK" or any variation on a sign, it deletes every word on the sign.
- Resolved
MCPE-66847 Sighs arent showing words
- Resolved
MCPE-67049 Smart Profanity Filter Triggered for Non-Profane Words
- Resolved
MCPE-67698 Book and quill censors seemingly random words
- Resolved
MCPE-67907 The name "Dillon" is being censored on signs
- Resolved
MCPE-71520 Sign text does not generate on realms
- Resolved
MCPE-74327 something wrong with signs
- Resolved
MCPE-77979 When placing signs with text, text does not display on occasion
- Resolved
MCPE-80851 Names on signs
- Resolved
MCPE-81177 Invisible signs
- Resolved
MCPE-81887 Can't write names on signs because it censors it out.
- Resolved
MCPE-82338 Signs not displaying text
- Resolved
MCPE-84503 Sign writing diappears after being written
- Resolved
MCPE-85351 My Actual name is censored
- Resolved
MCPE-88684 Can't Type Carlos into a sign.
- Resolved
MCPE-90173 Signs
- Resolved
MCPE-91670 Certain text erases when entered on a wooden sign
- Resolved
MCPE-92082 Censors in Bedrock are still completely broken.
- Resolved
MCPE-93584 Sign does not save I inputted
- Resolved
MCPE-99017 When creating signs, there is a chance the sign will be blank
- Resolved
MCPE-102855 Certain Spanish words erased on signs
- Resolved
MCPE-103087 Censoring Issues
- Resolved
MCPE-110967 Bug with signs and chat in Realms
- Resolved
MCPE-114462 unnecessary censorship
- Resolved
MCPE-115850 Renamed Items' Characters Get Turned To Hashtags
- Resolved
MCPE-117158 Sign Text Dissapear
- Resolved
MCPE-119995 Text censored on signs that shouldnt be
- Resolved
MCPE-120000 Sign censored
- Resolved
MCPE-120396 Book and Quill - Text disappearing and scrambling
- Resolved
MCPE-120398 Book and Quill censoring non-profanity words (like numbers)
- Resolved
MCPE-120525 Disappearing text on signs
- Resolved
MCPE-122292 My system says grape is a bad word
- Resolved
MCPE-126704 Cant see sign text
- Resolved
MCPE-128037 Whenever I type to a certain point on the sign, it disappears. I am trying to write "Please Replant What You Harvest". It might detect one of the words as a swear, but I dunno.
- Resolved
MCPE-128934 Game now censors dash
- Resolved
MCPE-133182 Unable to write addresses or things like addresses on any signs.
- Resolved
MCPE-133694 Numbers disappear on signs and books
- Resolved
MCPE-135400 Book and Quill deletes spaces and censor random sentences
- Resolved
MCPE-138469 Certain text not going onto signs
- Resolved
MCPE-140491 Swearing prevention causes my name disapear from signs.
- Resolved
MCPE-140896 Censoring words that shouldn't be censored
- Resolved
MCPE-141106 Name Tag error
- Resolved
MCPE-141419 Text randomly disappears on signs
- Resolved
MCPE-151062 Minecraft cencorship
- Resolved
MCPE-151905 very bad censorship(russian)
- Resolved
MCPE-152404 Can't name Items "Trans"
- Resolved
MCPE-153464 Bedrock censoring too strict
- Resolved
MCPE-155778 Text in Chat dissapears when using some normal German Words
- Resolved
MCPE-157468 Attempting to name any item “blade” results in a “profanity filter”
- Resolved
MCPE-157920 Typing Nightmare in Anvil Triggers Profanity Filter
- Resolved
MCPE-158352 Can't type "night"
- Resolved
MCPE-158370 Can't type night in the anvil!
- Resolved
MCPE-158425 Regular Words are banned
- Resolved
MCPE-158483 Profanity Filter Bug
- Resolved
MCPE-158519 Inappropriate name tag assumptions
- Resolved
MCPE-158626 Broken chat filter.
- Resolved
MCPE-158643 World filters are oversensitive, resulting in 50% of the english language being blocked
- Resolved
MCPE-158664 sensors night
- Resolved
MCPE-158696 Anvil censors words prematurely
- Resolved
MCPE-158717 Cannot name item night through the anvil
- Resolved
MCPE-158841 Anvil Censors my nametag when i type Axes/Hoes
- Resolved
MCPE-158890 The profanity filter won’t let you type common words.
- Resolved
MCPE-159231 Writing bugged in book and quill
- Resolved
MCPE-160862 saying "crap" in chat is censored even though its not a slur?
- Resolved
MCPE-161977 Unnecessary censoring
- Resolved
MCPE-163164 Unable to put in game phrase on sign.
- Resolved
MCPE-164469 Anvils and books don't name properly in realms
- Resolved
MCPE-165449 Words censored on signs when written in a certain way
- Resolved
MCPE-165638 Can't write "AHH! AHH!" on a sign
- Resolved
MCPE-165640 Minecraft Book and Quill censoring name.
- Resolved
MCPE-166537 Banning the word "Azov"
- Resolved
MCPE-169158 Text censoring is too strict.
- Resolved
MCPE-169346 "Free items" is a censored phrase
- Resolved
MCPE-171833 Cant put "duration §6§lGlowstone" Anywhere in a book without it removing the page
- Resolved
MCPE-173521 Sensors Unnecessary words on signs and chat
- Resolved
MCPE-174133 Text gets replaced with #########
- Resolved
MCPE-176761 Cannot type my name on books
- Resolved
MCPE-177690 Minecraft Banned normal words!
- Resolved
MCPE-177731 Coordinates get censored
- Resolved
MCPE-178446 I wrote sign "2番線 臨海都市線" but it changed to"#######"
- Resolved
MCPE-179301 "-4, 0" is a censored item name
- Resolved
MCPE-179445 The characters on the signboard are replaced
- Resolved
MCPE-179889 Cannot type basement because its flagged as "inappropriate"
- Resolved
MCPE-180075 Profanity filter is blocking innocuous words that happen to contain other words
- Resolved
MCPE-183950 Text Formatting Bug
- Resolved
MCPE-183996 The term Allahu Akbar "is not allowed".
- Resolved
MCPE-184166 Normal words get banned!
- Resolved
MCPE-187695 Sign censoring numbers
- Resolved
REALMS-1315 Signs has bug when I type this
- Resolved
REALMS-1375 Numbers on Signs Bug - Signs typed with numbers are erased and end up blank on wall
- Resolved
REALMS-1427 SIGNS DON'T WORK AT ALL NOW Win 10 REALMS Bedrock Intermittent BUG with partial BUGFIX(S)
- Resolved
REALMS-1437 Signs in realms won't accept text, any text becomes blank after exiting sign creation
- Resolved
REALMS-1636 On my realm sometimes when you type on an sign the words do not stay.
- Resolved
REALMS-1662 Signs and books censor a lot of what they shouldn't
- Resolved
REALMS-1671 Signs and books censor a lot of what they shouldn't - marked a duplicate to a different bug, unrelating
- Resolved
REALMS-1836 Sign Censoring Unecessary
- Resolved
REALMS-2083 Censored Signs Glitched
- Resolved
REALMS-2334 The word “bodega” is censored.
- Resolved
REALMS-2350 Chat filter censoring or corrupting randomly
- Resolved
REALMS-2590 Signs become blank or show ##### after entering some names and other text.
- Resolved
REALMS-2972 Signs appearing blank on Realms - Xbox one
- Resolved
REALMS-3218 Sign text disappearing?
- Resolved
REALMS-3236 Signs blank out seemingly randomly when typing text
- Resolved
REALMS-3465 No text on sign
- Resolved
REALMS-3490 chatting in swiss german impossible due to false positives in censorship
- Resolved
REALMS-3514 Whenever i type Anthony into a sign everything on the sign disappears
- Resolved
REALMS-3592 Cant write "forest" on sign. Sign is blank.
- Resolved
REALMS-3693 # symbol on random words on signs
- Resolved
REALMS-3694 Text disapearing on signs
- Resolved
REALMS-3874 Some text on signs disappearing
- Resolved
REALMS-3913 Word filter on signs issue
- Resolved
REALMS-4209 Blank signs and text replaced with #####
- Resolved
REALMS-4271 Sign Text Disappears Once Sign is Placed
- Resolved
REALMS-4715 Signs lose text after typing
- Resolved
REALMS-5015 Censorship on signs chat and books in Dutch
- Resolved
REALMS-5796 The words are erased on the sign
- Resolved
REALMS-7299 Signs
- Resolved
REALMS-8088 Realms smart filter in bedrock is broken
- Resolved
REALMS-8165 SignText error in Bedrock Realms
- Resolved
REALMS-8225 Swear Filter incorrectly censoring
- Resolved
REALMS-8250 Signs go blank with text and date
- Resolved
REALMS-8325 Carteles
- Resolved
REALMS-8510 Signs Not Working Properly
- Resolved
REALMS-8626 Signs and books and quills text not showing
- Resolved
REALMS-8914 Sensorship, and format breaking on Bedrock for books.
- Resolved
REALMS-9203 Signs do not keep writing when placed in realms
- Resolved
REALMS-9207 Signs are unusable due to bugs
- Resolved
REALMS-9933 Some of Russian words in books randomly replaced with “#####”
- Resolved
REALMS-10701 Words getting censored for unknown reasons
- Resolved
REALMS-10913 Censorship does not match languages/cannot be turned off for individual realms
- Resolved
REALMS-11089 In game block name censored in books.
- Resolved
REALMS-11508 Profanity Filter too reactive
- Resolved
REALMS-12190 Language Filter Failure: Ye Ole Tavern
- Resolved
REALMS-12225 Words being hashtagged out
- Resolved
REALMS-12238 The most random words and names are still censored and now its even numbers.
- Resolved
- relates to
REALMS-10537 Named items and signs get changed into #'s
- Resolved
MCPE-106296 Commands converted into pound (#) symbols
- Resolved
REALMS-2514 Text Formatting Censored On Realms
- Resolved
REALMS-3508 Sometimes signs show up as “{ empty }”.
- Resolved
REALMS-5898 Text on signs may ignore space/newline formatting
- Resolved
REALMS-7204 Sign clipboard modifying after pasting 3-5 times
- Resolved
REALMS-11314 Cannot place jeb_ name tag on a sheep in realms
- Resolved