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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-26064

Sync of worlds between consoles is broken


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Beta, 1.17.10, Beta,,,,,,, 1.6.0, 1.14.60 Hotfix, 1.16.1, 1.16.10, 1.16.200, 1.16.201 Hotfix, 1.17.41 Hotfix, 1.19.2 Hotfix, 1.19.51, 1.19.73
    • Confirmed
    • Xbox
    • 92401 / 94957

      Sync of worlds between consoles does not work most of the time. Frequently it doesn't show up at all in the list of world, When it does show Minecraft frequently will crash on load and then the world will show as a much smaller size. Occasionally it does work, but that is less then 10% of the time. This is version, I don't have This issue continues and still appears in 1.2.3

      See MCPE-27633 for better description of how to duplicate the issue (shown below).

      Summary: I have two Xbox One consoles. After playing a world on one console for a while, when I try to load that world on a different console, it doesn't load at the most recent save point.
      What I expected to happen was the game to load with my most recent save point.
      What actually happened was the game loaded at a point earlier than when I last selected "save & quit".
      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Create a game on Console A. (Name: "Test Game")
      2. Play for a while.
      3. Select "Save & Quit", to quit the game, then load it back up. (I do this because there is no way to pause the game)
      4. Do step 3 a few different times, making sure to note where you were when you quit. (This will help to determine which save point is being loaded later).
      6. Load the game on Console B.
      7. Notice the game is at a different save spot then the final save on Console A.
      Bonus Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Do the same as above, but on Console A, after the save the game for the last time, make a copy of the game. (Name: "Copy of Test Game")
      2. On Console B, the Worlds list will have the following:
      "Test Game"
      "Test Game"
      3. If you load the world that is actually "Copy of Test Game", it will load at the correct save point. (I am assuming this is because it only has a single point since it is a copy of a game and has never been loaded).
      4. Quit.
      5. The name will now correctly show as "Copy of Test Game".
      I have two Xbox Consoles, one at home (Xbox One S) and one at work (Xbox One) [both are on the Xbox Insider program Beta Ring]. I will play during lunch on my work console and then play some evenings at home. I have found that when I "save & quit" on one of the consoles and then later load the game from a different console, the game is at a previous state from when I saved. It seems as if it is loading from a save point about 3-4 save points behind where I actually left off. If I load the game on the original console it loads correctly.
      I have found that if I am going to play World on a different Xbox console, then I need to create a copy of the world. Otherwise, the different Xbox console will not load the world at the latest save point.

        1. 10-19-2017_6-01-52_AM.png
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        3. IMG_0614.JPG
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        4. IMG_0614.JPG
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        5. IMG_0615.JPG
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        6. xbox_one_1.jpg
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        7. xbox_one_s.jpg
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        8. XL_Xbox_One_S.png
          1017 kB
        9. XL_Xbox One X.png
          XL_Xbox One X.png
          3.21 MB

            tom@fort-smith.com Tom Holland
            50 Vote for this issue
            33 Start watching this issue
