Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-19518

Many of the items in hand had wrong model


    • Unconfirmed
    • Phone - iOS - iPhone 6

      Mossy cobble stone walls has incorrect model in hand.
      Cobble stone walls has incorrect model in hand.
      Beacon has incorrect model in hand.
      Torch has incorrect model and it is very small in hand.
      Dragon head has incorrect model in hand.
      Mob skulls has incorrect model in hand.
      End rods has incorrect model in hand.
      All plants items: Lilypad, flowers has incorrect model and it is very small in hand.

        1. IMG_0688.PNG
          620 kB
          Hongyi Jiang
        2. IMG_0687.PNG
          618 kB
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        3. IMG_0686.PNG
          592 kB
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        4. IMG_0685.PNG
          577 kB
          Hongyi Jiang
        5. IMG_0684.PNG
          620 kB
          Hongyi Jiang
        6. IMG_0683.PNG
          576 kB
          Hongyi Jiang
        7. IMG_0682.PNG
          555 kB
          Hongyi Jiang
        8. IMG_0681.PNG
          556 kB
          Hongyi Jiang

            xXHongyiMCPEXx Hongyi Jiang
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