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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-188236

Custom Behaviour packs are showing "Unknown Name" and "Pack is missing" on Realm


    • Unconfirmed
    • Multiple

      After installing a custom addon, containing a resource and behaviour pack, the behaviour pack displays incorrectly in the settings screen whilst the resource pack/icon show correctly. This occurs when the other players do not have a local copy of the behaviour pack directly installed on their instance. 


      This does not happen with Marketplace addons, this happens with Custom Addons (.mcaddon).


      Suspect this is a GUI specific issue and not displaying correctly

      Steps Taken: 

      1. Imported custom addon into Minecraft Bedrock (PC - Windows 11).
      2. Downloaded world from realm.
      3. Activated both Resource pack and Behaviour Pack.
      4. Uploaded to Realm.

      To Replicate the error:

      1. Went into Settings / Storage and removed both resource and behaviour pack 
      2. Restarted Minecraft.
      3. Connect to Realm and confirm download and join. 
      4. Verify in settings - Resource Pack is showing the correct name and description.  Behaviour pack shows the errors in the screenshot.
        1. when you click on the resource pack it shows that the dependency is missing (which it is not)
      5. Once connected to the real - verified the addon is actually working correctly, just not being displayed correctly as if it is not pulling the manifest.json file correctly to display.

      Expected Result

      The expected result should be that the Pack Name, Pack Description and Pack Icon.png should be visible in both the resource packs and behaviour packs, confirmed by that the behaviour pack is actually working. 


      Attached Images and mcaddon file for verification.

        1. BehaviourPackMissing.png
          88 kB
        2. Consoft Dev Vein Miner (1.21.41).mcaddon
          771 kB
        3. Realm-Download and Join.png
          53 kB
        4. ResourcePack.png
          157 kB
        5. ResourcePack-ShowingMissingDependency.png
          80 kB

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