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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-186941

Marketplace animation and Realms button are missing from menu screen


    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      The animation(s) on the Marketplace button in the Menu, and the button to access my Reams altogether have disappeared. I think the animation should be showing either a Sonic or Transformers animation, but the last one I had was one portraying Add-Ons, and I haven't had any come up since.


      This means that I can not access any Realms that I may have paid for, or join my friends' Realms.


      As a recent update to this bug report, my button to access my Realms is still gone, but I when I go into the Dressing Room, then go out, the button is now showing?!?!? This is now happening every single time I open Minecraft.....see attached video.


      I would also like to add that I am disappointed with the magnitude of just how many bugs I have found with Minecraft Bedrock, when Java is almost flawless. They are really annoying me, which is why I have reported a lot of them! Sorry if I seem like a troll or something because of this though. :/

        1. realms bug.mp4
          5.16 MB
        2. Screenshot 2024-09-26 150635.png
          1.14 MB

            DJDiamondSword DJDiamondSword
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