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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-185154

Parity name changes in Preview are omitted from UK English language


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Preview
    • Preview
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Multiple
    • 1281300

      The block and item name changes listed in the Vanilla Parity section of the Preview Changelog were not applied to the English (UK) language. They only affected the English (US) language.

      Also, the Stone Mason villager occupation was not renamed to Mason in the English (UK) language.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. From the main menu, select Settings > Language and select language English (UK).
      2. Create a world with game mode Creative and Cheats enabled. Load it.
      3. In creative inventory, look at each of the blocks and items listed in the changelog and note the name in its tooltip.
      4. Run the command /give @s light_block_0. In your hotbar, note the name in the light block's tooltip.
      5. Place a bed and a stonecutter nearby.
      6. Spawn a villager and allow it to claim the bed and stonecutter. If it's a nitwit (green cloaked villager), kill it and repeat until you get a mason. Open the mason's trading interface and note its occupation.

      Expected results:
      All the blocks and items have the new names shown in the changelog. The villager's occupation is shown as "Mason".

      Observed results:
      None of the names have been changed.

            Auldrick [MCPE Mod] Auldrick
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