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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-183508

Game crashes when opening a lectern that has a book and quill while it is being moved by a sticky piston


    • Confirmed
    • Multiple
    • 1261824

      The game may crash if you open a lectern that has a book and quill that is being moved by a sticky piston, or if you flick pages in a book and quill that is on a lectern being moved by a sticky piston.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Get a lectern.
      2. Get a sticky piston.
      3. Get a wooden button of any kind.
      4. Place down the sticky piston, lectern and the button exactly as shown.
      5. Get a book and quill. Make the book and quill 30 pages, and put any text character on the 30th page. Sign the book, and the Book title should be 'Crash Book'. You can ignore the author.
      6. Place the written book you just signed onto the lectern.
      7. Open the lectern, and turn to pages 15-16 on the written book. Then close the Lectern GUI.
      8. Push the button, and quickly open the lectern.
      9. This step is optional. Quickly flick through pages and back until the sticky piston retracts. Your game my crash at this step.
      10. Once the sticky piston is done extending and retracting, close the Lectern GUI. Your game may crash at this state.
      11. If it did not work, repeat steps 8 to 9 until the game crashes.

      Expected results:

      The game will not crash.

      Observed result:

      The game crashes once steps 9 and/or 10 were done.


      The game might not always crash when attempting this bug.

            TheMightyDark TheMightyDark
            6 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
