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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-170767

Typing 'return' breaks the 'sign' or 'book & quill'.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.19.83 Hotfix
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • iOS

      When typing on a sign or in a book, pressing return (enter) causes a few problems:

      I have 3 examples:
      1. typing before a bunch of 'enters', deletes the enters and brings the text following those enters back to the top.
      2. pressing enter in front of text does not bring the text to the next line but rather types the first letter.
      3. After doing '1', my cursor becomes offset from where it's meant to be.

      How to reproduce method 1:
      1. Grab a book & quill from the inventory.
      2. Type 'one' on the top line, press 'return' three times to skip the next two lines, then type 'four'.
      3. Then using the keyboard cursor, (tap and hold on the spacebar then move your finger around), move the cursor to go back to the first line, (right where you typed 'one'), and type anything or delete a letter.
      4. The word 'four' will zip up to the top line where it shouldn't. This also happens on signs.
      5. For reproducing method 3, just start typing after step 4.

      How to reproduce method 2:
      1. Acquire and place a sign.
      2. Type anything.
      3. Then using the keyboard cursor, (tap and hold on the spacebar then move your finger around), move the cursor to go back to the front, and press enter to move what you typed to the next line.
      4. Instead of moving the text to the next line, it just types the first letter instead. (doesn't do it the first time you press return). (The one in my clip may not be the best example as I accidently just spammed the same key 3 times, instead of random characters.)

            NpBlaster36 NpBlaster36
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