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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-168548

Interaction with the armor stand depends on whether the player is sneaking or not, and not on pressing the shift button


    • Confirmed
    • Windows
    • 999089

      Interaction with the armor stand depends on whether the player is sneaking or not, and not on pressing the shift button. Since interaction with interactive blocks depends on pressing the shift button, I expected the same for the armor stand. Due to this issue, the player is unable to equip armor/give an item to an armor stand while auto-sneaking, and cannot change the position of an armor stand while in flight mode.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Place an armor stand.
      2. Place a slab so that it creates a space of 1.5 blocks.
      3. Stand in this space.
      4. Put the armor/item in your hand.
      5. Without pressing shift, try to give an item to the armor stand (using the interaction key).
      1. Place an armor stand.
      2. Enter flight mode.
      3. Press shift and try changing the pose for the armor stand.

      Observed results:
      The interaction with the armor stand depends on whether the player is sneaking or not.

      Expected results:
      Interaction with the armor stand will depend on pressing the shift key.

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