• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.19.51
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Windows

      This is probably the most ludicrous bug I've ever seen. I was exploring in the ocean and I found a sunken ship. I noticed that it seemed to be cut in half, which isn't too weird on its own - there was an underwater ravine there. The back half and one of the masts was still there, so I looted it and left... and then, further out, I found the front half of the ship...
      Some time later I noticed the shadow on the water, too.

      How to reproduce:
      1. Create a world with this seed: Testificate
      2. Head to X 1709, Z -204
      3. Now look up.
      I'm sorry if it's hard to see, I'm playing in my friend's LAN world and I couldn't wait for day. I'll post a better picture later.

        1. 1.19 ship.png
          1.19 ship.png
          1.17 MB
        2. 1.19 ship 2.png
          1.19 ship 2.png
          616 kB

            BandanaHawk Lucia Ogle
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