Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)'
  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-151149

Player momentum stops when sliding to jump button w/ swap jump and sneak


    • Confirmed
    • Android
    • 749879

      (Mobile devices only)

      When you move forward with the forward button and slide your finger to the jump button, you jump and keep sprinting/walking. Ideally this should work for other directions too, but it doesn't.

      Steps To Reproduce: 

      1. Open Minecraft->Settings->Touch->Swap Jump And Sneak and enable it.
      2. Open a world/server/realm.
      3. Press and hold the forward direction button.
      4. Without releasing, slide your finger to the jump button. [If done correctly you will keep walking forwards]
      5. Now repeat steps 3 and 4 for other direction buttons (Left, Right, Backwards). 


      Observed Results: The player stops walking while doing steps 3 and 4 for other direction buttons.

      Expected Results: The player keeps walking while doing steps 3 & 4 for other direction buttons.

      Video Evidence/Tutorial: 

      https://youtu.be/MxmGLYcRnCU (Could not attach, file limit)

      This bug affects PvP based gameplay, and sometime is just an inconvenience.



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