
    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.17.34
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • iOS

      Dear Mojang,

      I have encountered a really annoying bug that gets rid of all entities in the area I am in.

      I was in the middle of building a iron golem farm, I took a break for a bit and then when I logged back on my villagers were gone! I also had a really good horse and that was gone to.

      I had encounted this bug in an earlier version of the game with my friend around when 1.17 came out and I logged off the world came back and all entities where gone! including armour stands witch had my diamond armour and fortune 3 netherite pickaxe on it! my friend also lost his armour as well and all entities around including villagers horses ec were all gone!!! I am really annoyed at this so could you pls fix this as soon as possible.

            leapingflame Eric burdan
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