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  1. Minecraft (Bedrock codebase)
  2. MCPE-120793

falling at very short heights with an elytra and feather falling boots will kill the player no matter how much health they have.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • None
    • 1.16.210
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Multiple

      Immediately after theĀ  most recent update, (1.16.210) there has been numerus glitches and bugs that are consistent through multiple platforms on multiplayer. such as when the player has levitation, there is a chance that the player will flow into a block above and suffocate. the shield will do the item swapping animation when using the hot bar and when building.

      These are a few of the bug that have been noticed. but there also seems to be a really aggressive one, that has to do with elytra's. If the player is gliding at very low speeds to land, the player will get killed, no matter how much health and no matter what armor enchants there are like feather falling 4. after dying several times in the end from this bug, it seems to be a very effective bug and REALLY irritating. It seems as though Mojang is doing less and less stress test on the game to make sure the bug/glitch is actually gone. The more updates there seem to be for 1.16, the more bug appear and the worse they get.

            Gizmoecrusher17 Gizmoecrusher17
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