Resolution: Fixed
1.16.220, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, 1.16.210, 1.16.221 Hotfix
When you eat a food in the latest beta, it isn't centered on the screen in first person, instead it goes to the left side.
- is duplicated by
BDS-12074 Animation bug
- Resolved
BDS-12104 the eating animation in 1st person looks weird in
- Resolved
BDS-13044 Shield and Food
- Resolved
MCPE-116705 First person eating/drinking position
- Resolved
MCPE-116775 Weird item bug for shields, bows, crossbows and trident
- Resolved
MCPE-116820 When holding a food item when eating, it goes to the right and the shield takes half a screen when used
- Resolved
MCPE-116832 The Eating animation is off-centered
- Resolved
MCPE-116889 Eating on the left side of the screen
- Resolved
MCPE-116978 Weird hold using item
- Resolved
MCPE-117065 When you eat your arm moves to the left of the screen instead stay on the right
- Resolved
MCPE-117225 The animation of eating food is slightly side ways on my screen and sneaking while shield is on my offhand is more higher so I can't see while fighting against mobs
- Resolved
MCPE-117859 bug to the player eating food in the first person front
- Resolved
MCPE-119135 Eating animation is not in the middle
- Resolved
MCPE-119553 Eating Animation Is Broken
- Resolved
MCPE-120014 Weird eating animation
- Resolved
MCPE-120023 Food off centered while eating
- Resolved
MCPE-120086 Animations are offset
- Resolved
MCPE-120144 the eating animation is bugged to the left
- Resolved
MCPE-120153 Player model anchor not correctly placed?
- Resolved
MCPE-120168 Bow and food animation/texture bug
- Resolved
MCPE-120222 The food animation is far to the left
- Resolved
MCPE-120245 The eating position is weird in 1.16.210
- Resolved
MCPE-120263 Animations Are Broken In The New Update
- Resolved
MCPE-120318 Food Animation and Bow Problems
- Resolved
MCPE-120322 Hand and holding animations
- Resolved
MCPE-120358 Eating Glitch
- Resolved
MCPE-120384 In the new update, when eating food, the food seems really far left.
- Resolved
MCPE-120435 Eating interaction interface is wrong.
- Resolved
MCPE-120440 User Interface Is Off Place
- Resolved
MCPE-120483 Trident and milk bucket and enchanted apple are broken
- Resolved
MCPE-120489 Throwing trident , drinking potions and shooting bows is not right
- Resolved
MCPE-120502 items in hand appearing higher up on screen and other hand animation bugs
- Resolved
MCPE-120516 Animation on first person when earing foods or drinks was misplaced
- Resolved
MCPE-120594 Trident and bow bug
- Resolved
MCPE-120595 the eating animation is off. It’s all the way to the left.
- Resolved
MCPE-120607 Eating Food is Visible Through Shield (Food Passes Through It During Eating Animation)
- Resolved
MCPE-120624 Eating and Shields are broken.
- Resolved
MCPE-120632 the eating animation is shifted to the left
- Resolved
MCPE-120668 eating animation bug
- Resolved
MCPE-120811 When eating food with a shield in my off hand, the food glitches through.
- Resolved
MCPE-120847 Shields are way to zoomed into the screen and take up a lot of space
- Resolved
MCPE-120919 Eating animation is broken
- Resolved
MCPE-120956 Drinking Honey and Potions Animation is too Far Left
- Resolved
MCPE-121203 Eating while holding a shield issue
- Resolved
MCPE-121263 My first pov is shifted to the right so it looks weird on ps4
- Resolved
MCPE-121272 if I eat bread it goes too far to the left
- Resolved
MCPE-121329 Eating food is weird
- Resolved
MCPE-121528 Eating and drinking animation in first person is on the left of the screen
- Resolved
MCPE-121854 Eating animation doesn't look right
- Resolved
MCPE-122719 Broken eating animation! (eating animation-Bow-shield)
- Resolved
MCPE-122876 Bow and Eating Visual Glitch
- Resolved
MCPE-122921 Mano izquierda invisible, Invisible left hand
- Resolved
MCPE-123069 Improperly sized items
- Resolved
MCPE-123581 Extremely weird animations.
- Resolved
MCPE-123911 Shield and food glitch
- Resolved
MCPE-124524 Shield animation is bugged and not in left hand
- Resolved
MCPE-125569 Minecraft bugd
- Resolved
MCPE-125965 Eating animation is not right on the PS4
- Resolved
MCPE-126206 Eating is slightly to the left of my screen
- Resolved
MCPE-126302 The eating animation is slightly to the left
- Resolved
MCPE-127358 animation feeding left too
- Resolved
MCPE-127877 when eating food such as bread and raw chicken, the player eats it does not look straight in the player's mouth and is even seen eating to the left of the first person's sight, please fix this bug because it will disturb the player while eating
- Resolved
MCPE-128326 Food glitch
- Resolved
MCPE-128425 Eating animation is of place
- Resolved
MCPE-129686 Food Eating Off Center
- Resolved
MCPE-129759 Food is offset
- Resolved
- relates to
MCPE-116736 Shield appears to be bigger, darker, and offset
- Resolved
MCPE-116737 Holding a crossbow appears to be offset and darker from your main hand
- Resolved
MCPE-116741 Holding and shooting bow position are incorrect
- Resolved
MCPE-116680 Switching animation in the inventory between bow, trident, crossbow, spyglass, and shield in first person is broken
- Open
MCPE-117133 Arm swing animation plays when using a spyglass while looking at a block within mining range
- Reopened
MCPE-79380 Hand and some items still bob when View Bobbing is disabled
- Resolved
MCPE-116681 Trident is not positioned correctly in entities' hands
- Resolved
MCPE-117122 Bow is not correctly positioned in players' hand
- Resolved