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  1. Minecraft Launcher
  2. MCL-21241

There is a comma missing after the word "migrating" within a launcher string used for the answer to the "WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY MOJANG ACCOUNT AFTER I MIGRATE TO A MICROSOFT ACCOUNT?" question


    • Confirmed
    • 762964

      The Bug:

      There is a comma missing after the word "migrating" within a launcher string used for the answer to the "WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY MOJANG ACCOUNT AFTER I MIGRATE TO A MICROSOFT ACCOUNT?" question.

      This is a very minor issue however, this word should have a comma present after it in order for the string to make grammatical sense. A comma should always be used to connect an independent and dependent clause, where the dependent clause comes before the independent clause. Not using a comma under these circumstances would be grammatically incorrect.

      Below is a table I've constructed that highlights this error. You can find information about what the current and expected string is and would be, some context regarding it, and a link to the appropriate string on crowdin.

      Current String Expected String String Context String URL on Crowdin
      %1$sYou won’t need it anymore! After migrating you’ll use your Microsoft account to log in to the Minecraft Launcher to play the game and to minecraft.net to manage your settings.%2$s %1$sYou won’t need it anymore! After migrating, you’ll use your Microsoft account to log in to the Minecraft Launcher to play the game and to minecraft.net to manage your settings.%2$s game_faqs/Answer for question: WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY MOJANG ACCOUNT AFTER I MIGRATE TO A MICROSOFT ACCOUNT? https://crowdin.com/translate/minecraft-launcher/9442/en-engb#5273228 

      Steps to Reproduce:

      • Locate the affected string as listed above.
      • Take note as to whether or not there is a comma missing after the word "migrating" within a launcher string used for the answer to the "WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY MOJANG ACCOUNT AFTER I MIGRATE TO A MICROSOFT ACCOUNT?" question.

      Observed Behavior:

      There is a comma missing after the word "migrating".

      Expected Behavior:

      A comma would be present after the word "migrating" so that the string makes grammatical sense.

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