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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-75430

Enderman held block not fully updated from old block id system


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Minecraft 17w47a
    • Minecraft 1.8.1, Minecraft 1.8.3, Minecraft 1.8.8, Minecraft 15w49b, Minecraft 1.9, Minecraft 1.9.1 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.9.2, Minecraft 16w15b, Minecraft 1.10.2, Minecraft 16w43a, Minecraft 16w44a, Minecraft 1.11 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.11, Minecraft 16w50a, Minecraft 1.11.1, Minecraft 1.11.2, Minecraft 17w06a, Minecraft 17w13b, Minecraft 17w15a, Minecraft 17w16b, Minecraft 17w17a, Minecraft 17w18b, Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 2, Minecraft 1.12.2, Minecraft 17w43b, Minecraft 17w45b, Minecraft 17w46a
    • Confirmed

      An Enderman holding a dirt block can be summoned using the command

      summon enderman ~ ~ ~ {carried:"minecraft:dirt"}

      As you would expect, this summons an Enderman holding a dirt block (see also MC-94027). However if you try this command:

      /testfor @e {carried:"minecraft:dirt"}

      the enderman will not be found by the command.

      This is because the block type is stored using the old id system (dirt is stored as 3) and because the tag is a short you have to append s:

      /testfor @e {carried:3s}

            grum [Mojang] Grum (Erik Broes)
            sparks Sparks
            22 Vote for this issue
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