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- MC-75193Target selectors don't work in server only commands
- MC-105502Enabling clouds incurs a huge performance penalty
- MC-125829Tamed wolves teleport into kelp under water
- MC-125869A non-source water block above a non-source water block converts to a source block when horizontally adjacent to two other source blocks
- MC-126096New water vision makes lighting flash when swimming on surface after swimming underwater
- MC-126123Water visibility changes when near surface
- MC-126297Lava does not always turn down to obsidian when mining magma block
- MC-126912Flowing water can create source blocks
- MC-126914Sponge deletes waterlogged blocks
- MC-126920Water does not flow down blocks properly
- MC-126927Waterlogged water goes through Stairs
- MC-126936Fishing bobber sinking as soon as it is cast
- MC-126944Boats sink in water
1 of 13
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