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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-74965

Command '/give <Player> minecraft:potion' with a {data tag} yields a Potion of Regeneration


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.8.1
    • None
    • OS: Windows 7
    • Unconfirmed

      I was trying to obtain a Potion of Haste, and as of right now I am not sure that that is possible without some sort of modification to the game, but I tried to run the command

      /give <Player> minecraft:potion 1 1 {haste:true}

      . I wasn't really sure that this was going to work, as I am not very familiar with the new 1.8 ID format and stuff, hence the weird data and whatever, but I assumed that this command would result in either an error, or a Potion of Haste.

      Instead, I was surprised when I was given a Potion of Regeneration. I tried to run the command

      /give <Player> minecraft:potion 1 1 {healthBoost:true}

      , and again, I was given a Potion of Regeneration. I ran the command

      /give <Player> minecraft:potion 1 1 {}

      , and again was given a Potion of Regeneration.

      This led me to believe that using the give command to try to give a player a potion with any data tag results in giving said player a Potion of Regeneration. I think this is similar to the problem I had in 1.7, wherein summoning a Horse with a datatag would spawn a white colored Horse with a specific max health, speed, and jump height (the same every time).

      I hope this bug is fixed, or someone can tell me what I am doing wrong, so that I can give myself specific types of potions (because the command

      /give <Player> minecraft:potion 1

      always yields a Water Bottle [because the ID of a Water Bottle is minecraft:potion], and I end up having to use the Creative mode inventory) (Even if Potions of Haste are unobtainable).

      [Sort of unrelated, but] Also, I know that the MCMMO server plugin allows players with a high level Alchemy skill to brew Potions of Haste (which happen to have a blue hue instead of yellow for some reason), but that is not Vanilla Minecraft, and must use some sort of server-side datatag that gives any player drinking the potion the Haste status effect.

      Thank you for reading.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            SpockMan321 Aidan Boyle
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