Resolution: Fixed
Minecraft 1.4.2, Minecraft 1.4.4, Snapshot 13w03a, Minecraft 1.10.2, Minecraft 16w39a, Minecraft 16w39b, Minecraft 16w39c, Minecraft 16w40a, Minecraft 16w41a, Minecraft 16w42a, Minecraft 16w43a, Minecraft 16w44a, Minecraft 1.11, Minecraft 1.11.2, Minecraft 17w06a, Minecraft 17w17a, Minecraft 17w17b, Minecraft 1.12.1, Minecraft 1.12.2, Minecraft 17w45b, Minecraft 17w46a, Minecraft 18w06a, Minecraft 18w07a, Minecraft 18w07b, Minecraft 18w07c, Minecraft 18w10c, Minecraft 18w14a, Minecraft 18w14b, Minecraft 18w15a, Minecraft 18w16a, Minecraft 18w21a, Minecraft 18w22c, Minecraft 1.13-pre1, Minecraft 1.13-pre3, Minecraft 1.13-pre6, Minecraft 1.13-pre8, Minecraft 1.13-pre10, Minecraft 1.13, Minecraft 18w31a, Minecraft 18w32a, Minecraft 18w33a, Minecraft 1.13.1, Minecraft 1.13.2-pre2, Minecraft 1.13.2, Minecraft 18w47b, Minecraft 18w48a, Minecraft 18w48b, Minecraft 18w49a, Minecraft 19w03c, Minecraft 19w04b, Minecraft 19w05a, Minecraft 19w06a, Minecraft 19w07a, Minecraft 19w09a, Minecraft 19w12b, Minecraft 19w13a, Minecraft 19w13b, Minecraft 19w14a, Minecraft 1.14 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.14 Pre-Release 2, Minecraft 1.14 Pre-Release 5, Minecraft 1.14, Minecraft 1.14.1, Minecraft 1.14.2 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.14.2 Pre-Release 2, Minecraft 1.14.2, Minecraft 1.14.3 Pre-Release 2, Minecraft 1.14.3, Minecraft 1.14.4 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.14.4 Pre-Release 3, Minecraft 1.14.4 Pre-Release 4, Minecraft 1.14.4 Pre-Release 5, Minecraft 1.14.4 Pre-Release 6, 1.14.4, 19w34a, 19w35a, 19w36a, 19w37a, 19w38b, 19w39a, 19w40a, 19w41a, 19w42a, 19w45b, 19w46b, 1.15 Pre-release 1, 1.15 Pre-Release 2, 1.15 Pre-release 3, 1.15 Pre-release 4, 1.15 Pre-release 5, 1.15 Pre-release 6, 1.15 Pre-release 7, 1.15, 1.15.1, 1.15.1 Pre-release 1, 1.15.2 Pre-Release 1, 1.15.2 Pre-release 2, 1.15.2, 20w06a, 20w07a, 20w08a, 20w09a, 20w10a, 20w11a, 20w13a, 20w13b, 20w15a, 20w16a, 20w17a, 20w18a, 20w19a, 20w20a, 20w20b, 20w21a, 20w22a, 1.16 Pre-release 1, 1.16 Pre-release 2, 1.16 Pre-release 3, 1.16 Pre-release 6, 1.16 Pre-release 7, 1.16 Pre-release 8, 1.16 Release Candidate 1, 1.16, 1.16.1, 20w27a, 20w28a, 20w29a, 20w30a, 1.16.2 Pre-release 1, 1.16.2 Pre-release 2, 1.16.2 Pre-release 3, 1.16.2 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.2 Release Candidate 2, 1.16.2, 1.16.3 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.3, 1.16.4 Pre-release 1, 1.16.4 Pre-release 2, 1.16.4 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.4, 20w45a, 20w46a, 20w48a, 20w49a, 20w51a, 21w03a, 1.16.5 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.5, 21w05a, 21w05b, 21w06a, 21w07a, 21w08a, 21w08b, 21w10a, 21w11a, 21w13a, 21w14a, 21w15a, 21w16a, 21w17a, 21w18a, 21w19a
World generation
19/May21: This has now been fixed for everything except trees. For any remaining or reintroduced issues, please open new and specific reports with new repro steps.
The bug
World generation places tall grass/double tall grass, flowers/double flowers, sugar canes, snow, trees, and possibly other things in places it shouldn't.
Affected situations
Sand/gravel patches generated around water (lakes/rivers/oceans/etc) have things growing on them:
- /tp @p 946 68 9609
- /tp @p 1250 67 10150
- /tp @p 1230 70 10333
- /tp @p -898 64 44766 but on seed 5384881648447775625
Lava and water lakes have floating plants and trees on top of them:
- /tp @p 1100 66 10364
- /tp @p 1111 66 10382
- /tp @p 1636 63 11014
All examples given above work in 18w06a, on seed 7913388302499728605.
- is duplicated by
MC-5469 World generating bug, desert temple
- Resolved
MC-6387 Floating snow
- Resolved
MC-8365 Vines not being attached to anything
- Resolved
MC-8511 Tree spawning on sand in "Swampland" biome
- Resolved
MC-8716 Tree growing on sand
- Resolved
MC-9087 Generation of mines.
- Resolved
MC-9694 Terrain Generator is messed
- Resolved
MC-10058 flower in the gravel
- Resolved
MC-10194 Trees generating above a lake
- Resolved
MC-13794 Floating Tall Grass
- Resolved
MC-14317 Free-hanging Vines
- Resolved
MC-18848 Grass growing in the air and on sand
- Resolved
MC-28329 Minecraft tree render glitch
- Resolved
MC-29448 [World gen bug] 2-block high wild grass on sand
- Resolved
MC-29527 double tallgrass floating generation
- Resolved
MC-29546 Invisible entity over water
- Resolved
MC-29868 Tall grass and double tall grass spawn on none dirt blocks.
- Resolved
MC-30006 Floating Rose Bush
- Resolved
MC-30485 Flowers fly on amplified world
- Resolved
MC-30990 The grass and snow float
- Resolved
MC-31297 Tall grass generates on sand (maybe in savanna only)
- Resolved
MC-32012 13w38a snapshot bug
- Resolved
MC-33070 Grass growing in blocks that are not land
- Resolved
MC-35153 Tall Grass Generates on non-grass blocks like Sand, Gravel, etc.
- Resolved
MC-35159 Cacti can be naturally found floating or be found not on sand
- Resolved
MC-35641 Grass can be found on sand blocks
- Resolved
MC-37044 Grass appears on sand
- Resolved
MC-37672 World generation made a tree and some grass floating above water
- Resolved
MC-37962 Floating Grass and Grass on Gravel in Minecraft v1.7.2
- Resolved
MC-38193 Natural Tree Spawned with no ground under it.
- Resolved
MC-38199 Tall Grass Spawned with no Ground under
- Resolved
MC-38860 in savanna biome, grass blocks spawned on air
- Resolved
MC-45560 Terrain generation glitch
- Resolved
MC-46106 Generation of snow layer on packed ice
- Resolved
MC-46762 Floating grass and mushrooms
- Resolved
MC-49875 Flowers spawning on sand and pop out
- Resolved
MC-50446 Flying trees
- Resolved
MC-53128 Acacia tree fully generates in plains biome at -123 79 468 in seed 3704076581703183452
- Resolved
MC-58778 Some blocks like water/lava source blocks and grass do not update properly after generation
- Resolved
MC-58858 Floating Flowers & 1/2 Flowers In New World
- Resolved
MC-59435 Flying trees and grass.
- Resolved
MC-59629 Dark Oak spawning incorrectly.
- Resolved
MC-60752 Major bugs/Amazing World generation
- Resolved
MC-64680 Grass and flower spawn bug
- Resolved
MC-67589 Half Flowers
- Resolved
MC-68789 Tall Grass generates on sand, stone, and gravel
- Resolved
MC-69775 Rose in sand
- Resolved
MC-71672 Plants Generating On Thin Air
- Resolved
MC-73157 Floating snow
- Resolved
MC-79784 Wheat seeds randomly found on the ground
- Resolved
MC-85922 flowers and grass spawning over water and lava
- Resolved
MC-89279 chunk errors
- Resolved
MC-91193 Random plants above lakes
- Resolved
MC-93777 torches and chests spawn on air blocks
- Resolved
MC-103331 Tall Grass generates on top of sand and gravel
- Resolved
MC-104552 It grew a tree in sandy
- Resolved
MC-105102 Tree logs despawn when spawned above water in Plains biomes
- Resolved
MC-105947 Grass and Double Tallgrass can find on sand blocks.
- Resolved
MC-107382 Mansion Generates before certain world features are generated, causing broken structure
- Resolved
MC-107563 Woodland Mansion Generating
- Resolved
MC-108902 tons of glitches with world generation
- Resolved
MC-110351 Vines don't despawn after cut down tree in swamp
- Resolved
MC-116374 Wrong generation of "double plants"
- Resolved
MC-116868 Floating flowers can be generated
- Resolved
MC-116883 Grass spawns over villages grass pathsl
- Resolved
MC-120291 Grass and flowers generating above water and blocks that don't support them
- Resolved
MC-120661 Flying grass
- Resolved
MC-121568 Floating snow layers
- Resolved
MC-121569 World generation problems
- Resolved
MC-122018 Tree is generated above the water
- Resolved
MC-123056 Hello I want to report agrass and a tree without a trunk floating on a lake in the prairies and many crosses on the floor of my world
- Resolved
MC-125200 Generated two tall flowers get cut off by low trees
- Resolved
MC-125539 Grass generating on sand / Sand generating in a village structure
- Resolved
MC-125836 Floating Ferns
- Resolved
MC-126909 Grass in the air by world generation
- Resolved
MC-127434 Grass plant spawns floating in the air.
- Resolved
MC-128083 World Generating
- Resolved
MC-128327 Grass and flower bug
- Resolved
MC-128893 grass spawn near/on the water
- Resolved
MC-129153 Grass / flowers / snow / trees are placed incorrectly in Buffet World generator
- Resolved
MC-130171 [18w21a] Grass spawns in mid air
- Resolved
MC-130506 Snow covering non-existent blocks
- Resolved
MC-130553 World Generator
- Resolved
MC-131211 Tall grass grows over surface water
- Resolved
MC-131255 Above water terrain generation needs fixing
- Resolved
MC-131691 Floating Rose?
- Resolved
MC-132670 Poppy on sand
- Resolved
MC-133135 The plants on the pond will be empty after the formation of the plants
- Resolved
MC-133470 Roses on sand
- Resolved
MC-133504 Floating Tallgrass on surface lakes
- Resolved
MC-133538 Floating tree above water
- Resolved
MC-133898 Tree spawning above a lake
- Resolved
MC-134426 Grass can grow on Sand in beaches
- Resolved
MC-134492 Grass spawning ontop of sand
- Resolved
MC-135417 Grass in air
- Resolved
MC-135418 Flying trees
- Resolved
MC-135466 Found floating Grass
- Resolved
MC-135837 Floating grass
- Resolved
MC-135919 Tall Grass Spawning Isuue
- Resolved
MC-135944 Generation of plants
- Resolved
MC-136839 Tall Grass
- Resolved
MC-137445 Floating grass
- Resolved
MC-137661 Floating Grass
- Resolved
MC-137897 sorry if duplicate structures are good generating but...
- Resolved
MC-138360 Tall Grass in sky
- Resolved
MC-138400 Bug with saplings, grass, and crops - 18w43c
- Resolved
MC-138471 Tree spawning over water bug
- Resolved
MC-138521 Some Floating Grass
- Resolved
MC-139426 Levitating Grass
- Resolved
MC-139700 Grass generating on air above pond
- Resolved
MC-139835 Some blocks are generate above the air.
- Resolved
MC-140384 Grass spawns on air
- Resolved
MC-140417 Floating grass can be seen in villages
- Resolved
MC-140420 Chunks and worlds have problem loading in new snapshots
- Resolved
MC-140536 floting grass
- Resolved
MC-140597 New plains village
- Resolved
MC-140621 snow in the air above the ice
- Resolved
MC-141014 floating grass
- Resolved
MC-141057 Flying grass
- Resolved
MC-141065 Trees floating over ponds
- Resolved
MC-141163 sugarcane generate in wrong places.
- Resolved
MC-141605 Grass spawning over water
- Resolved
MC-141715 Floating Grass
- Resolved
MC-142147 grass spawns on grass blockes and gravel when world created
- Resolved
MC-142662 Bug
- Resolved
MC-142747 Grass load floating over naturally generated ponds
- Resolved
MC-143278 Grass is floating in the air.
- Resolved
MC-143963 Grass
- Resolved
MC-144611 Floating grass above water
- Resolved
MC-144694 The floating grass
- Resolved
MC-144695 The grass should not be on the sand
- Resolved
MC-144863 snow spawning on air blocks
- Resolved
MC-144923 Grass over lakes with no block under it.
- Resolved
MC-146042 Floating Snow (MC 1.14 Snapshot 19w11b)
- Resolved
MC-146311 There are floating grass and a floating tree above a lake
- Resolved
MC-146467 Flowers grow in air
- Resolved
MC-146761 Floating Grass
- Resolved
MC-146889 Some Gravity Blocks Generating in Air
- Resolved
MC-146989 Generator Bugs
- Resolved
MC-147512 Blocks hanging in the air
- Resolved
MC-148211 Grass Not Generating Correctly
- Resolved
MC-148472 Floating Snow
- Resolved
MC-148481 Snow generates on empty blocks.
- Resolved
MC-148961 Eng. Sometimes, in bamboo jungle grass over water.
- Resolved
MC-148990 Berry bushes can spawn on sand
- Resolved
MC-149091 i wanted to see the new update and i teleported to a pillager outpost and found this!?!?!? floating gras
- Resolved
MC-149183 Grass & Flower glitch
- Resolved
MC-149293 Tree Missing Blocks
- Resolved
MC-149413 Update to new version with bamboo and reserved world
- Resolved
MC-149980 When you generate a world the grass fly
- Resolved
MC-150111 Trees and plants generate over natural water sources
- Resolved
MC-150118 Aerial grass haha
- Resolved
MC-150272 Grass Is Floating above water.
- Resolved
MC-150273 Grass Is Floating above water.
- Resolved
MC-150398 Floating grass over small lakes in plains biomes
- Resolved
MC-150611 баг
- Resolved
MC-150645 bamboo on air
- Resolved
MC-150669 Bamboo trees generating bug
- Resolved
MC-150679 Летающие цветы
- Resolved
MC-150823 Grass in the air
- Resolved
MC-151370 Flying Grass and Broken floor
- Resolved
MC-151420 Floating Trees Being Generated
- Resolved
MC-151630 Floating Flowers
- Resolved
MC-152041 Snow
- Resolved
MC-152165 Floating Grass/Tall Grass above water
- Resolved
MC-152443 Floating snow and poppys above ice and water
- Resolved
MC-152544 Grass generates floating above water EDIT: duplicate
- Resolved
MC-152871 Small peonies, floating peonies
- Resolved
MC-152924 tall grass in mid air
- Resolved
MC-154117 Flying snow.
- Resolved
MC-154492 Floating trees (of various kinds and biomes)
- Resolved
MC-154500 some grass are flying on the pond
- Resolved
MC-154538 Mob spawn during day in lakes under snow in superflat
- Resolved
MC-154717 Grass/Tall Grass sometimes generates floating in midair
- Resolved
MC-155695 Minecraft incorrectly generated lake - floating trees, floating grass
- Resolved
MC-155837 Some of the sunflowers are floating above water
- Resolved
MC-156440 1.14 world genration problem
- Resolved
MC-156488 tree is spawning with no trunk
- Resolved
MC-156680 Trees spawning above pools of water.
- Resolved
MC-156924 I was walking in a Snowy Biome when I saw floating snow
- Resolved
MC-157078 When a pond spawn beneath a tree, the tree will stay and float above it.
- Resolved
MC-157230 Grass is Generating On Sand
- Resolved
MC-157918 snow
- Resolved
MC-158001 Floating Tall Grass on Water
- Resolved
- Resolved
MC-158301 Shrubbery Spawning Floats in the Air
- Resolved
MC-158331 floating grass and grass on the path grass thing
- Resolved
MC-159577 Tree floating
- Resolved
MC-159760 Fliegendes Gras
- Resolved
MC-160274 erba fluttuante
- Resolved
MC-161066 Flying grass
- Resolved
MC-161326 Flying Grass in 1.14.4
- Resolved
MC-161723 When I was exploring my 1.14.4 world I came across a bunch of snow layers the were floating in the snowy_mountains.
- Resolved
MC-162657 Floating grass.
- Resolved
MC-162816 Mushroom Tree Generated over Water has no stem
- Resolved
MC-163419 gliht
- Resolved
MC-163431 Tree spawned in air
- Resolved
MC-163535 Grass floating in mid-air
- Resolved
MC-164262 Bug sur la génération de l'herbe
- Resolved
MC-164624 Floating grass above water ponds
- Resolved
MC-164699 Grass generates mid-air
- Resolved
MC-165227 Flying flowers and grass
- Resolved
MC-165359 Flying Grass
- Resolved
MC-167337 Flowers try to generate on farmland in Villages
- Resolved
MC-168101 Floating bushes over small lakes
- Resolved
MC-168775 Flowers generating on sand
- Resolved
MC-169062 When loading a new world, trees can spawn floating above lakes.
- Resolved
MC-169254 Sometimes grass, snow layer or rails can float
- Resolved
MC-169316 floating on water grass
- Resolved
MC-171590 Grass Floats Somehow
- Resolved
MC-171730 Grass (the decorational X-shaped block) can be found floating, especially over water.
- Resolved
MC-172520 I was playing around in 20w07a when i saw some poppys floating in mid-air over o pond or lake like thing
- Resolved
MC-172744 Snow seems to generate floating in snowy biomes
- Resolved
MC-174012 Floating Bug
- Resolved
MC-177270 A thin layer of snow will spawn without a block under it
- Resolved
MC-180121 Floating Grass
- Resolved
MC-181322 Grass generating on non grass blocks and mid air
- Resolved
MC-182379 Natural flying grass in snapshot 20w18a
- Resolved
MC-183300 Floating tress
- Resolved
MC-183523 Trees/grass generating over lakes
- Resolved
MC-184285 Grass Floating
- Resolved
MC-184331 Grass spawning on magma and netherack on ruined portals
- Resolved
MC-185135 glass spawn
- Resolved
MC-185792 Grass can replace blocks in Woodland Mansions
- Resolved
MC-185948 Large Fern cut off at generation
- Resolved
MC-186417 Naturally generated grass will float when generating on ponds
- Resolved
MC-187556 Grass can spawn with air below it in Lakes
- Resolved
MC-187704 Spruce trees generated over pond missing logs
- Resolved
MC-187990 Floating vines in swamp under foliage from two trees
- Resolved
MC-190645 Floating sugar canes are naturally generated on lakes
- Resolved
MC-190733 Grass floats on ponds
- Resolved
MC-191772 Trees levitating over water
- Resolved
MC-191843 Летающий снег / Летающий песок / лава и вода в особняке разбойников
- Resolved
MC-192264 Flying grass / The vegetable garden is not on ploughed land / Water doesn't flow / Not the right place for a vegetable garden
- Resolved
MC-192790 Floating Vines in World Generation
- Resolved
MC-193017 The bug with the grass
- Resolved
MC-193379 snow is flying
- Resolved
MC-193603 Flying Grass
- Resolved
MC-193716 I want to report some bugs.
- Resolved
MC-193972 grass can float (rere)
- Resolved
MC-194098 Grass in the air
- Resolved
MC-196032 Grass generates on non-soil type blocks upon world gen
- Resolved
MC-196705 floating grass
- Resolved
MC-197181 Floating trees on mini lakes
- Resolved
MC-197653 floating grass
- Resolved
MC-198214 Grass (Decoration type) floating over pools of water.
- Resolved
MC-198365 Cursed sunflower with no bottom half
- Resolved
MC-199236 Grass grows above water in the air
- Resolved
MC-199363 Flying grass
- Resolved
MC-199455 Floating Grass over water pools in plains
- Resolved
MC-199697 Grass floats in air when generating world
- Resolved
MC-199748 Floating cactus on a lava lake
- Resolved
MC-200299 Floating Tall Grass
- Resolved
MC-200346 Floating Grass and Tallgrass
- Resolved
MC-200547 Floating dark oak trees
- Resolved
MC-201459 floating grass
- Resolved
MC-201659 Floating sugar cane generated
- Resolved
MC-202392 Found grass floating in the air.
- Resolved
MC-202464 Bottom part of tree does not generate
- Resolved
MC-202849 Plants fling
- Resolved
MC-203059 Grass on a sand block...
- Resolved
MC-203122 Floating layers of snow, grasses, trees and pieces of land.
- Resolved
MC-203281 Minecraft grass and tall grass generating above water
- Resolved
MC-203812 2x2 dark oaks spawn in air
- Resolved
MC-204560 levitating grass
- Resolved
MC-204616 Tall Grass Floating
- Resolved
MC-205347 Bad grass generation.
- Resolved
MC-205374 i saw graas on sand
- Resolved
MC-205516 Vines Sometimes Randomly Floating In The Air, Jungle Trees Can Generate In Half
- Resolved
MC-205639 umm what
- Resolved
MC-205846 Grass generating where it shouldn't
- Resolved
MC-206770 Floating trees
- Resolved
MC-210535 Flower glitch
- Resolved
MC-211131 Floating Grass - this bug has been like forever in game
- Resolved
MC-211771 its not game breaking but its present, I think since the release of 1.14.
- Resolved
MC-212327 Floating flowers in flower forest biome
- Resolved
MC-213256 Tall grass generates inside Melon
- Resolved
MC-213609 Weird Generation
- Resolved
MC-214023 Like levitating grass, glow lichen can generate in levitating position too.
- Resolved
MC-214990 different water levels, floating trees
- Resolved
MC-215691 swamp trees world generation
- Resolved
MC-216332 Floating snow
- Resolved
MC-216436 About grass growing in the air
- Resolved
MC-216548 Floating grass above water
- Resolved
MC-216893 Broken terrain generation
- Resolved
MC-216997 I just found floating snow in the game, Iceologer ??
- Resolved
MC-217890 Flying grass.
- Resolved
MC-218863 Grass/moss generation in lush caves around lava lakes
- Resolved
MC-219202 Amethyst geodes can cause floating grass and grass and incorrect grass states
- Resolved
MC-219205 Grass generates on sand
- Resolved
MC-219249 -Flower On The Sky- Minecraft
- Resolved
MC-219503 Grass can float when generating
- Resolved
MC-220006 Trees sometimes generate floating
- Resolved
MC-220059 Floating Grass
- Resolved
MC-223794 floating grass
- Resolved
MC-224234 floating tree
- Resolved
MC-224267 Floating natural plants overlap on lakes
- Resolved
MC-224873 Flowers growing on netherrack
- Resolved
MC-225446 Bug
- Resolved
MC-225633 the plants generate incorrectly
- Resolved
MC-226104 Floating grass
- Resolved
MC-1340 Floating vines on world generation.
- Resolved
MC-1859 Floating Grass
- Resolved
MC-36669 list
- Closed
- relates to
MC-13210 Mushrooms spawn in light
- Resolved
MC-73878 Village fields do not clear all blocks above them resulting in too dark spots
- Resolved
MC-103320 Mesa (Bryce) 'V' pattern
- Resolved
MC-113898 Water below lily pads is replaced by wooden planks village paths
- Resolved
MC-124988 Water can border caves on chunk borders
- Resolved
MC-137452 Bamboo grows in lots of inappropriate places in Bamboo Jungles
- Resolved
MC-214797 Pointed dripstone can generate floating at transitions between local water levels
- Resolved
MC-225842 Flowers can generate on large plants near lakes
- Resolved
MC-225895 Floating grass can still generate above lava lakes
- Resolved
MC-81467 Parts of structures replaced by lava lakes
- Open
MC-125343 Mineshaft halls generating on top of each other fail to properly generate plank floor, causing rails to float
- Open
MC-125654 Tall seagrass only generates lower part when ocean monument is in the way
- Open
MC-139696 Decorations can generate on the ground inside of pillager outposts
- Open
MC-170074 Dead bush generating on orange (and possibly blue) terracotta in desert pryamid
- Open
MC-225839 Trees, huge mushroom & huge fungus can generate floating over lakes or lava lakes
- Open
MC-29613 Bonus chests generate on top of water
- Reopened
MC-140242 Decorations such as grass, flowers, ferns, sweet berry bushes and dead bushes can generate on invalid blocks in villages and trail ruins
- Reopened
MC-140727 Decorations and terrain can generate inside of structures
- Reopened
MC-198993 Dead bushes can generate in water
- Reopened
MCPE-102355 Grass and flowers generates on sand and gravel (after a while, it breaks)
- Reopened
MC-125858 Grass / flowers / snow / trees are placed incorrectly in Superflat World
- Resolved
MC-138178 Lily pads can generate on land
- Resolved
MC-212146 Glow lichen can generate floating inside underground structures
- Resolved
MC-225843 Snow layers can still generate floating over lakes
- Resolved
MC-225850 Grass, tall grass, flower, double flower, fern, large fern and tree can generate on sand or gravel
- Resolved
MC-750 Sand and gravel can generate floating in the air
- Resolved