Resolution: Fixed
Minecraft 14w21b, Minecraft 14w25a, Minecraft 14w25b
Windows 7
When resetting player two's score from an objective that is not displayed on the team colour sidebar display, the display vanishes for player two, but not for player one.
This bug has been fixed for the basic sidebar display but not for the sidebar.team.(color) displays.
Steps to reproduce:
1 - Create a scoreboard objective.
(/scoreboard objectives add Objective1 dummy Objective1)
2 - Create a display for that objective.
(/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar.team.white Objective1)
3 - Create a team.
(/scoreboard teams add TeamWhite)
4 - Colour the team to white.
(/scoreboard teams option TeamWhite color white)
5 - Add two players to TeamWhite.
(/scoreboard teams join TeamWhite @a)
6 - Set both players to a score of one of Objective1
(/scoreboard players set @a Objective1 1)
7 - Create another scoreboard objective.
(/scoreboard objectives add Objective2 dummy Objective2)
8 - Set both player's score of Objective2 to one.
(/scoreboard players set @a Objective2 1
9 - Reset player two's score of Objective2.
(/scoreboard players reset (player) Objective2
If I'm right, the scoreboard display of Objective1 should vanish for player two but not for player one.