Resolution: Fixed
Minecraft 13w47e
JRE version: 7.0_25-b17
[00:27:19 INFO]: Client> # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.25-b01 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
[00:27:19 INFO]: Client> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
Crashes MC when you hold down Shift + capslock. At menu or in a world.
j tv.twitch.broadcast.DesktopStreamAPI.TTV_Java_SetVolume(Ltv/twitch/broadcast/AudioDeviceType;F)Ltv/twitch/ErrorCode;+0
j tv.twitch.broadcast.DesktopStreamAPI.setVolume(Ltv/twitch/broadcast/AudioDeviceType;F)Ltv/twitch/ErrorCode;+2
j tv.twitch.broadcast.Stream.setVolume(Ltv/twitch/broadcast/AudioDeviceType;F)Ltv/twitch/ErrorCode;+6
j bui.b(F)V+8
j buw.s()V+43
j buw.a(Z)V+6
j azg.Z()V+281
j bch.l()V+38
j bch.k()V+32
j azg.o()V+232
j azg.ag()V+152
j azg.e()V+72
j net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+934
- is duplicated by
MC-40716 Audio Button Crashes Game
- Resolved
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- Resolved
MC-40739 Windows 8 Volume Crash
- Resolved
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- Resolved
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- Resolved
MC-40787 F8 button causes closure.
- Resolved
MC-40793 Crash When Pressing Keyboard Volume Buttons
- Resolved
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- Resolved
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- Resolved
MC-40865 Crash when pressing ' and a non-vowel in input field
- Resolved
MC-40866 Failed to write core dump.
- Resolved
MC-40872 Sign : Game crash
- Resolved
MC-40904 Crash Issue
- Resolved
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- Resolved