Resolution: Fixed
Minecraft 13w42a, Minecraft 13w42b, Minecraft 13w43a, Minecraft 1.7, Minecraft 1.7.1, Minecraft 1.7.2, Minecraft 13w47e, Minecraft 13w48a, Minecraft 13w48b, Minecraft 13w49a, Minecraft 1.7.3, Minecraft 1.7.4, Minecraft 14w02a, Minecraft 14w02b, Minecraft 14w03b, Minecraft 14w04b, Minecraft 14w05b, Minecraft 14w06a, Minecraft 14w06b, Minecraft 14w07a, Minecraft 14w08a, Minecraft 1.7.5, Minecraft 14w10b, Minecraft 14w10c, Minecraft 14w11b, Minecraft 1.7.9, Minecraft 14w19a, Minecraft 14w20b, Minecraft 14w21a, Minecraft 14w21b, Minecraft 1.7.10-pre1, Minecraft 1.7.10-pre2, Minecraft 14w25a, Minecraft 14w25b, Minecraft 1.7.10, Minecraft 14w30b, Minecraft 14w30c, Minecraft 14w33c, Minecraft 14w34a, Minecraft 14w34b, Minecraft 14w34c, Minecraft 14w34d, Minecraft 1.8-pre1, Minecraft 1.8-pre2, Minecraft 1.8-pre3, Minecraft 1.8, Minecraft 1.8.1-pre1, Minecraft 1.8.1, Minecraft 1.8.2-pre1, Minecraft 1.8.2-pre2, Minecraft 1.8.2-pre3, Minecraft 1.8.2-pre4, Minecraft 1.8.2-pre5, Minecraft 1.8.2-pre6, Minecraft 1.8.3, Minecraft 1.8.4, Minecraft 1.8.5, Minecraft 1.8.6, Minecraft 1.8.7, Minecraft 1.8.8, Minecraft 15w31a, Minecraft 15w31b, Minecraft 15w31c, Minecraft 15w32a, Minecraft 15w32b, Minecraft 15w32c, Minecraft 15w33c, Minecraft 15w34a, Minecraft 15w34b, Minecraft 15w34c, Minecraft 15w34d, Minecraft 15w35b, Minecraft 15w35d, Minecraft 15w35e, Minecraft 15w36d, Minecraft 15w37a, Minecraft 15w38a, Minecraft 15w38b, Minecraft 15w39a, Minecraft 15w39b, Minecraft 15w39c, Minecraft 15w40a, Minecraft 15w40b, Minecraft 15w41b, Minecraft 15w42a, Minecraft 15w43a, Minecraft 15w43b, Minecraft 15w43c, Minecraft 15w44a, Minecraft 15w44b, Minecraft 15w45a, Minecraft 15w46a, Minecraft 15w47a, Minecraft 15w47c, Minecraft 15w49a, Minecraft 15w49b, Minecraft 1.8.9, Minecraft 15w50a, Minecraft 15w51a, Minecraft 15w51b, Minecraft 16w02a, Minecraft 16w03a, Minecraft 16w04a, Minecraft 16w05a, Minecraft 16w05b, Minecraft 16w06a, Minecraft 16w07a, Minecraft 16w07b, Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 1
When a jukebox playing music is broken, the music initially stops, but when I opened up my inventory then closed it again, the song plays again. This works with any disc in creative and survival, and in both single- and multiplayer.
1. Get Jukebox and disc of any kind
2. Play the disc
3. Break jukebox BEFORE song ends
4. Open your inventory
5. Close Inventory
6. Song plays without a jukebox
More generally, sounds can replay when a GUI is closed, when they shouldn't. This includes block breaking sounds, button sounds, and music. It also includes any GUI closing besides the pause menu in single player – your inventory, the chat GUI, or a chest all work.
Debug info
I recently figured out how to get minecraft to output sound debug logs by following this wiki.vg tutorial. Using the following configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration status="WARN" packages="net.minecraft,com.mojang"> <Appenders> <Console name="SysOut" target="SYSTEM_OUT"> <PatternLayout pattern="[%d{HH:mm:ss}] [%t/%level]: %msg%n" /> </Console> </Appenders> <Loggers> <Root level="debug"> <filters> <MarkerFilter marker="SOUNDS" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY" /> </filters> <AppenderRef ref="SysOut"/> </Root> </Loggers> </Configuration>
This is what the logs look like when the bug is reproduced:
[12:18:50] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started [12:19:01] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg for event minecraft:gui.button.press as channel 231386e6-ecda-431b-a2e7-12f936caedb2 [12:19:02] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 231386e6-ecda-431b-a2e7-12f936caedb2 because it's not playing anymore [12:19:06] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:sounds/music/menu/menu2.ogg, volume was zero. [12:19:10] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:sounds/random/click.ogg for event minecraft:gui.button.press as channel 229f3257-5902-4b42-bcae-eee3d53ec16c [12:19:11] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 229f3257-5902-4b42-bcae-eee3d53ec16c because it's not playing anymore [12:19:22] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Skipped playing sound minecraft:sounds/music/game/calm2.ogg, volume was zero. [12:19:37] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:sounds/step/stone4.ogg for event minecraft:step.stone as channel 07f5ef05-28e9-4d6d-8f31-d0a7df0fe69b [12:19:38] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 07f5ef05-28e9-4d6d-8f31-d0a7df0fe69b because it's not playing anymore [12:19:38] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:sounds/step/grass3.ogg for event minecraft:step.grass as channel 1a781d6d-ab09-425b-bb92-7f6009b42362 [12:19:39] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 1a781d6d-ab09-425b-bb92-7f6009b42362 because it's not playing anymore [12:19:45] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:sounds/dig/stone1.ogg for event minecraft:dig.stone as channel c16bccae-f170-44fc-8082-f1567ddcd783 [12:19:46] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel c16bccae-f170-44fc-8082-f1567ddcd783 because it's not playing anymore [12:19:47] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Playing sound minecraft:sounds/dig/stone1.ogg for event minecraft:dig.stone as channel 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68 [12:19:48] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68 [12:19:48] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68 [12:19:48] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68 [12:19:48] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68 [12:19:48] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68 [12:19:48] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Resuming channel 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68 [12:19:48] [Client thread/DEBUG]: Removed channel 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68 because it's not playing anymore
For 73f94183-6a17-4355-b356-2374cd71ed68, I was mashing open/close inventory (which is how the bug is reproduced). As you can see, it's getting resumed multiple times, despite never getting paused. It only replays the sound once (since resuming the sound is simply playing it again), but probably the sound is getting played before it is removed.
Programmatic cause
Note: MCP names for Minecraft 1.8 (mcp910) are used here. Obfuscated names as of 1.9-pre1 appear at the bottom.
The reason that this bug occurs is that sounds are replayed whenever a GUI is closed. The most likely reason why sounds were replayed is that they are paused when certain GUIs open (such as the ingame pause menu) in single player. However, the sounds are played even if they were never paused (IE, they are played when any GUI is closed).
/** * Sets the argument GuiScreen as the main (topmost visible) screen. */ public void displayGuiScreen(GuiScreen guiScreenIn) { if (this.currentScreen != null) { this.currentScreen.onGuiClosed(); } if (guiScreenIn == null && this.theWorld == null) { guiScreenIn = new GuiMainMenu(); } else if (guiScreenIn == null && this.thePlayer.getHealth() <= 0.0F) { guiScreenIn = new GuiGameOver(); } if (guiScreenIn instanceof GuiMainMenu) { this.gameSettings.showDebugInfo = false; this.ingameGUI.getChatGUI().clearChatMessages(); } this.currentScreen = (GuiScreen)guiScreenIn; if (guiScreenIn != null) { this.setIngameNotInFocus(); ScaledResolution var2 = new ScaledResolution(this, this.displayWidth, this.displayHeight); int var3 = var2.getScaledWidth(); int var4 = var2.getScaledHeight(); ((GuiScreen)guiScreenIn).setWorldAndResolution(this, var3, var4); this.skipRenderWorld = false; } else { this.mcSoundHandler.resumeSounds(); this.setIngameFocus(); } }
When guiScreenIn is null, mcSoundHandler.resumeSounds is called. The SoundHandler methods simply call the same methods on the SoundManager.
/** * Pauses all currently playing sounds */ public void pauseAllSounds() { Iterator var1 = this.playingSounds.keySet().iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { String var2 = (String)var1.next(); logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Pausing channel {}", new Object[] {var2}); this.sndSystem.pause(var2); } } /** * Resumes playing all currently playing sounds (after pauseAllSounds) */ public void resumeAllSounds() { Iterator var1 = this.playingSounds.keySet().iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { String var2 = (String)var1.next(); logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Resuming channel {}", new Object[] {var2}); this.sndSystem.play(var2); } }
Note that resumeAllSounds works simply by calling play on all of the currently playing sounds. This works in most cases, as calling play while a sound is currently playing doesn't do anything. However, if the sound has finished playing but has not been cleaned up yet, calling play on it will cause it to play again, from the start. This is the core cause of this bug.
The simplest way to fix it is to create a list of sounds that were paused when pauseAllSounds is called, and then only play the sounds in that list when resumeAllSounds is called (and then clear the list).
Something like this:
private List<String> pausedSounds = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * Pauses all currently playing sounds */ public void pauseAllSounds() { Iterator var1 = this.playingSounds.keySet().iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { String var2 = (String)var1.next(); logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Pausing channel {}", new Object[] {var2}); this.sndSystem.pause(var2); pausedSounds.add(var2); } } /** * Resumes playing all currently playing sounds (after pauseAllSounds) */ public void resumeAllSounds() { Iterator var1 = this.pausedSounds.iterator(); while (var1.hasNext()) { String var2 = (String)var1.next(); logger.debug(LOG_MARKER, "Resuming channel {}", new Object[] {var2}); this.sndSystem.play(var2); } this.pausedSounds.clear(); }
(It may be necessary to make pauseAllSounds and resumeAllSounds synchronized depending on if it's called from a separate thread, but I'm guessing not since it isn't currently needed; also, don't blame me for the ugly syntax there; that's MCP's fault)
I've tested this and found that it eliminates all of the looping sound issues, which is the main part of this bug.
Here are the code snippets from above with 1.9-pre1's obfuscation (jd is used to decompile):
The place where resumeSounds is called in displayGuiScreen:
public void a(bfa ☃) { if (this.m != null) { this.m.m(); } if ((☃ == null) && (this.f == null)) { ☃ = new bfh(); } else if ((☃ == null) && (this.h.bP() <= 0.0F)) { ☃ = new bel(null); } if (((☃ instanceof bfh)) || ((☃ instanceof bgq))) { this.u.aq = false; this.r.d().a(); } this.m = ☃; if (☃ != null) { p(); bcw ☃ = new bcw(this); int ☃ = ☃.a(); int ☃ = ☃.b(); ☃.a(this, ☃, ☃); this.s = false; } else { this.aL.e(); // This is resumeAllSounds, line 890 o(); } }
Here is the code for resumeAllSounds and pauseAllSounds:
public void e() { for (String ☃ : this.i.keySet()) { b.debug(a, "Pausing channel {}", new Object[] { ☃ }); this.f.pause(☃); } } public void f() { for (String ☃ : this.i.keySet()) { b.debug(a, "Resuming channel {}", new Object[] { ☃ }); this.f.play(☃); } }
And here are resumeAllSounds and pauseAllSounds with the bug fixed:
List<String> pausedSounds = new ArrayList<String>(); public void e() { for (String ☃ : this.i.keySet()) { b.debug(a, "Pausing channel {}", new Object[] { ☃ }); this.f.pause(☃); pausedSounds.add(☃); } } public void f() { for (String ☃ : this.pausedSounds) { b.debug(a, "Resuming channel {}", new Object[] { ☃ }); this.f.play(☃); } pausedSounds.clear(); }
Obfuscation as of earlier versions can be found here.
There are other ways it could be fixed, but this is the simplest way.
Some additional oddities with jukeboxes that aren't necessarily part of this (from MC-35896):
a) In survival mode, ejecting a disc while breaking the jukebox block may make the jukebox music permanent (Goes off after exiting the world). (Both survival and creative mode). (separate bug?)
b) Sometimes, when destroying the jukebox block (After a) ALL music can go off (Not any music until exiting Minecraft). (Creative mode).
c) Sometimes, when playing jukebox exiting the world, jukebox music can stay on (Does not go off until exiting Minecraft). (Creative mode).
- is duplicated by
MC-35775 Music Discs continue to play even after being ejected from Jukebox
- Resolved
MC-35896 "Permanent" jukebox music
- Resolved
MC-35969 i put the music record strad in the juke box when i took it out it didnt stop playing
- Resolved
MC-36312 Music and Records
- Resolved
MC-36377 Jukeboxes infinitely loop record, even after being broken. Also, music overlap.
- Resolved
MC-36379 Music Disks Play over each other
- Resolved
MC-36382 Two musics playing at the same time
- Resolved
MC-36400 Background Music Looping
- Resolved
MC-36406 Music discs continue playing when removed/ play double
- Resolved
MC-36452 When you put a music disk in a jukebox, take it out, and put it in a chest, the song is played through the jukebox even when the music disk is not in it.
- Resolved
MC-36457 Jukeboxes will repeat same song even if disk it out of jukebox or broken, songs will also overlap.
- Resolved
MC-36490 Music disc keeps playing
- Resolved
MC-36565 music disks NEVER stop playing
- Resolved
MC-36603 Sound replays after closing inventory window
- Resolved
MC-36608 Chest Sound Bug
- Resolved
MC-36621 Music Disc's sound file played when in chest.
- Resolved
MC-36628 Closing inventory sometimes reset music loops
- Resolved
MC-36630 Background Music Repeats
- Resolved
MC-36660 Music doesn't stop.
- Resolved
MC-36671 Music Loops after ejecting disc
- Resolved
MC-36693 Jukebox can play several discs at once.
- Resolved
MC-36736 Same music plays straight after it plays the first time
- Resolved
MC-36738 Infinite Music!
- Resolved
MC-36745 Minecraft Freezes When Playing Records
- Resolved
MC-36757 2 default music playing at same time
- Resolved
MC-36759 The jukebox still playing when it is destroyed
- Resolved
MC-36787 Two songs can play at the same time
- Resolved
MC-36851 Door sound when unpausing
- Resolved
MC-36878 songs and sounds were playing all at once
- Resolved
MC-36931 Closing a chest plays the opening and closing sounds
- Resolved
MC-36944 1.7.1 Bugs
- Resolved
MC-36969 Any sound plays twice
- Resolved
MC-36975 Music playing all the time
- Resolved
MC-36981 Chest sound duplication
- Resolved
MC-37007 Odd music bug
- Resolved
MC-37022 Music playing two times at once
- Resolved
MC-37045 Musical Starting Errors
- Resolved
MC-37053 2 Musics or more played at the same time .
- Resolved
MC-37097 Two background music stack each other
- Resolved
MC-37136 Multiple environment music pieces play simultaniously.
- Resolved
MC-37146 minecraft 1.7.2 multiple songs play at once
- Resolved
MC-37149 Two melody at the same time
- Resolved
MC-37193 Sound duplication with chest
- Resolved
MC-37232 Sounds play twice when opening inventory.
- Resolved
MC-37235 Placing a redstone torch down then going into a Command block or Game menu then pressing esc to get out makes the redstone torch placing sound again
- Resolved
MC-37248 Music on map open
- Resolved
MC-37267 Recurring sounds
- Resolved
MC-37268 Music Bug
- Resolved
MC-37281 Screwed-Up Music
- Resolved
MC-37292 Multiple default in-game songs playing at the same time
- Resolved
MC-37359 Music Crossover
- Resolved
MC-37393 Multiple music tracks play simultaneously in title screen
- Resolved
MC-37412 the sound of clicking on a option plays when your in the option menu when you hit esc
- Resolved
MC-37439 Two songs play at once
- Resolved
MC-37451 music
- Resolved
MC-37608 Tracks of background music overlap
- Resolved
MC-37631 Music Glitch
- Resolved
MC-37646 Sounds will duplicate when opening inventory while they play
- Resolved
MC-37679 Sound Glitches
- Resolved
MC-37713 The sound effect for a closing chest plays twice if you go to inventory
- Resolved
MC-37727 Chest opening sound plays twice if closing quickly
- Resolved
MC-37816 Multiple Music tracks playing simultaneously
- Resolved
MC-37824 Sounds are played twice sometimes
- Resolved
MC-37927 Multiple music tracks play simultaneously
- Resolved
MC-37998 Sound Bug
- Resolved
MC-38054 Double Song
- Resolved
MC-38119 Music Plays At Same Time
- Resolved
MC-38145 Multiple music tracks play at same time.
- Resolved
MC-38166 Multiple music simultaneously
- Resolved
MC-38229 Music bug
- Resolved
MC-38586 Chest sounds
- Resolved
MC-38599 Music in 1.7.2: the music was playing twice at the same time, slightly out of time; also, once I turned music off and it kept playing
- Resolved
MC-38601 chest
- Resolved
MC-38684 Chests close sound plays twice
- Resolved
MC-38722 Duplicated Chest Sound
- Resolved
MC-38791 Multiple music at once
- Resolved
MC-38810 Sound repeating bug
- Resolved
MC-38813 When you break a block (try stone first) and immediately press "E" and after 1-2 seconds press "E" again and the break block sound will repeat.
- Resolved
MC-38888 Chests playing open sound and close when closing
- Resolved
MC-38892 Blocks sometimes make double sounds
- Resolved
MC-38946 Sound
- Resolved
MC-39252 Sounds glitch [1.7.2]
- Resolved
MC-39317 Chest sound bug
- Resolved
MC-39845 sound dublicate when exit inventory
- Resolved
MC-40294 Sound Delay Glitch
- Resolved
MC-40723 Chest Sound
- Resolved
MC-41241 Sounds playing twice when closing inventory
- Resolved
MC-41244 Door Closing Occasionally Produces 2 Sounds.
- Resolved
MC-41538 Chest sounds duplicating
- Resolved
MC-41707 double chest/door sound
- Resolved
MC-41723 Minecraft sound bug
- Resolved
MC-41782 Single/double chest sound played twice
- Resolved
MC-41995 Command Block Sound Glitch
- Resolved
MC-42224 Twice door sound playing
- Resolved
MC-42337 duplication sound after pause
- Resolved
MC-44508 Chest opening sound plays again when closing if mouse is not moved
- Resolved
MC-45319 Sound playing twice.
- Resolved
MC-45850 Command "playsound" plays when exit a command block
- Resolved
MC-45901 Noise Copying
- Resolved
MC-46407 If you close a chest then spam open and close a crafting table, furnace, or any inventory then it will continue to use the chest sounds
- Resolved
MC-47295 Extra Sounds
- Resolved
MC-47802 Sounds reapeat when the player opens the inventory and close it
- Resolved
MC-48308 Dispencers refresh on closing container
- Resolved
MC-49078 Double noise
- Resolved
MC-50909 Sounds are derpy when pausing
- Resolved
MC-51542 extra sounds played after closing a book
- Resolved
MC-51584 Sound repetition
- Resolved
MC-51933 double sounds
- Resolved
MC-51935 Sound
- Resolved
MC-52131 opening and closing the inventory after breaking blocks causes the block breaking sound to play again
- Resolved
MC-52494 Duplicate Sounds
- Resolved
MC-54994 Music would overlap.
- Resolved
MC-55171 sound bug when closing UI
- Resolved
MC-55174 Duplicated sound when pressing "E"
- Resolved
MC-55203 Chest audio - Duplication of "Open" sound when opening and closing to quickly
- Resolved
MC-56297 Double Sounds
- Resolved
MC-59084 Chest sounds are broken when you close it.
- Resolved
MC-61516 Sound Bug
- Resolved
MC-62042 Repeatedly closing menus plays all nearby sounds (e.g. villagers)
- Resolved
MC-63467 Repeated chest sound effects
- Resolved
MC-64015 Sound Repeating Glitches
- Resolved
MC-66936 Sound glitch: Menu + Breaking block
- Resolved
MC-68076 Pick-up sound replays occasionally
- Resolved
MC-68927 Sounds that are playing when the inventory is opened will repeat when the inventory is closed.
- Resolved
MC-69398 Sound dont stop
- Resolved
MC-70148 Chest close sound replays
- Resolved
MC-70300 Sounds can be repeated forever
- Resolved
MC-70610 Chest closing sound plays when closing player inventory after closing chests
- Resolved
MC-71222 Minecraft Bug :: Signs Duplicating Sounds
- Resolved
MC-72776 Jukebox will sometimes restart song.
- Resolved
MC-73405 Extra XP sound
- Resolved
MC-73727 Command block plays a sound twice if powered by a trapped chest
- Resolved
MC-74325 Inventory Sound Repeating
- Resolved
MC-74568 Sound Bug
- Resolved
MC-75785 Sound repeats when closing GUI
- Resolved
MC-77162 Picking up sound plays twice
- Resolved
MC-77392 Chest closing sound plays when exiting inventory.
- Resolved
MC-77468 Note blocks acting weird when opening GUIs
- Resolved
MC-78161 Chest plays sound twice
- Resolved
MC-79045 When you close an inventory the last sound is played.
- Resolved
MC-79795 playsound plays sound twice if used too quick
- Resolved
MC-80063 Chest Bug
- Resolved
MC-80724 Destroy a cactus with sign
- Resolved
MC-81093 duplicate sound bug
- Resolved
MC-81115 Clicking sounds in books
- Resolved
MC-81116 Sounds reapeat in menus
- Resolved
MC-81376 Certain sounds repeat when esc is spammed.
- Resolved
MC-81458 Chest opening sound sometimes plays before chest closing sound when getting out of chest menu
- Resolved
MC-82225 /playsound inventory sound repeat
- Resolved
MC-84192 Sound repeating x3
- Resolved
MC-84808 Sound repeat after closing second GUI
- Resolved
MC-85437 block breaking sound replays (opening inventory)
- Resolved
MC-87280 Chest closing sound duplicates
- Resolved
MC-87791 Commandblocks repeat sounds
- Resolved
MC-90369 commandblock sound bug
- Resolved
MC-90972 sound errors in chests
- Resolved
MC-94964 Progressive sounds repeat when using command block.
- Resolved
MC-96204 Audio GUI Repeats Sound
- Resolved
MC-96346 Chest Opening sound repeats on chest closing
- Resolved
MC-96353 Record plays again after closing book and quill
- Resolved
MC-97265 Noteblock bug
- Resolved
MC-69756 duplicating sound with GUI's/(Graphical User Interface)'s
- Closed
- relates to
MC-35856 Multiple background /title songs playing at one time / automatic music overlap (not Jukebox music)
- Resolved
MC-25646 Music keeps playing when putting in a disc in a jukebox and breaking it at the same time
- Resolved
MC-36502 Amplified click sound on exit from options menu
- Resolved
MC-39048 Rain sound increases in volume after placing a sign
- Resolved
MC-67274 Minecart Sound Issue
- Resolved
MC-102403 Persistent/unchangeable sounds after (re-)opening a world
- Resolved
- links to