Resolution: Fixed
Minecraft 1.4.2, Minecraft 1.4.4, Snapshot 12w50a, Minecraft 1.4.6, Minecraft 1.4.7, Snapshot 13w09a, Snapshot 13w09b, Snapshot 13w09c, Minecraft 1.5, Minecraft 1.5.1, Minecraft 1.5.2, Minecraft 1.6.1, Minecraft 1.6.2, Minecraft 1.6.4, Minecraft 13w42b, Minecraft 13w43a, Minecraft 1.7.1, Minecraft 1.7.2, Minecraft 1.7.4, Minecraft 14w02c, Minecraft 14w03b, Minecraft 14w04a, Minecraft 14w04b, Minecraft 14w05a, Minecraft 14w05b, Minecraft 14w08a, Minecraft 1.7.5, Minecraft 14w10c, Minecraft 14w11b, Minecraft 1.7.6-pre1, Minecraft 1.7.6-pre2, Minecraft 1.7.9, Minecraft 14w17a, Minecraft 14w18b, Minecraft 14w21b, Minecraft 14w25a, Minecraft 14w25b, Minecraft 1.7.10, Minecraft 1.8, Minecraft 1.8.1-pre4, Minecraft 1.8.1, Minecraft 1.8.2-pre1, Minecraft 1.8.3, Minecraft 1.8.4, Minecraft 1.8.5, Minecraft 1.8.6, Minecraft 1.8.8, Minecraft 15w32b, Minecraft 15w32c, Minecraft 15w34a, Minecraft 15w34b, Minecraft 15w35b, Minecraft 15w36d, Minecraft 15w37a, Minecraft 15w39b, Minecraft 15w40b, Minecraft 15w41b, Minecraft 15w42a, Minecraft 15w43b, Minecraft 15w43c, Minecraft 15w44a, Minecraft 15w44b, Minecraft 15w45a, Minecraft 15w46a, Minecraft 15w47a, Minecraft 15w47c, Minecraft 15w49b, Minecraft 1.8.9, Minecraft 15w51b, Minecraft 16w06a, Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 2, Minecraft 1.9.1, Minecraft 1.9.2, Minecraft 1.9.4, Minecraft 16w20a, Minecraft 16w21a, Minecraft 16w21b, Minecraft 1.10 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.10, Minecraft 1.10.2, Minecraft 16w32a, Minecraft 16w32b, Minecraft 16w33a, Minecraft 16w35a, Minecraft 16w38a, Minecraft 16w39b, Minecraft 16w40a
OS: Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3,
OS: Windows 8, Java: 1.7.0_51
In creative mode, when I place a water bucket (for example) in Hotbar slot, hover above it and press a numberkey to move the it (i.e. to swap it with a dirt block) and then place the water bucket (which is now where the dirt block was and vice versa), it will place dirt. Not water. Placing dirt works as expected. Also works vice versa.
Steps to reproduce:
Example using water bucket
1. Put a water bucket in your hotbar. (i.e. 1st slot)
2. Press any number key (1-9) while hovering over water bucket, except its own slot number. (In this case 1.) Example : Dirt is in 2nd slot so press '2' and swap dirt and water bucket.
3. Place water bucket.
4. Water bucket is seems to be placed and is instantly replaced by dirt.
5. Open inventory to fix problem. If you are holding the water bucket in your hand it will be animated as if it was beeing swapped.
This apparently happens with all blocks. I haven't fully tested yet. It also works with having nothing instead of dirt, then water is placed for a short moment and instantly replaced by air. Also works with potions.
Code analysis by Marcono1234 can be found in this comment
- is duplicated by
MC-6543 Item Duplication
- Resolved
MC-6667 Blocks are disappearing after being placed in creative mode when using some inventory-management shortcuts
- Resolved
MC-10722 Ghost Items In Creative
- Resolved
MC-12197 Item Duplication in Hotbar and in World
- Resolved
MC-15814 Milk Buckets and Item Hot-switching
- Resolved
MC-17076 CobbleStone placement glitch
- Resolved
MC-17722 Using numbers to quick switch items in your hotbar in creative is buggy
- Resolved
MC-17998 when switching bocks on creative in your inv it will show that you switcht until you plase it
- Resolved
MC-20027 In Creative Gamemode, if i use number key to change item in hotkey slots, they will get back while i place them.
- Resolved
MC-20040 Item duplicates with 1-9 swap keys and overwrites other items
- Resolved
MC-21640 Duplication glitch
- Resolved
MC-22332 Inventory Bug
- Resolved
MC-26696 block duplicating while changing the block with keyboard numbers in inventory (With Video)
- Resolved
MC-27579 Items in inventory being deleted
- Resolved
MC-35975 changing block inventory spot with numbersq
- Resolved
MC-38138 using shortcut with 1-9 in hotbar removes item when try to use it
- Resolved
MC-38423 Duplicate items in minecraft 1.7.2 on creative
- Resolved
MC-40221 Item switch glitch
- Resolved
MC-41616 Using number keys to move items around hotbar causes the game to become confused.
- Resolved
MC-42284 Block and Item Duplication/Replacement when switched in inventory
- Resolved
MC-42636 Obscure bug causes items to vanish completely from the hotbar
- Resolved
MC-44452 Ghost items in creative when moving items with number keys in inventory
- Resolved
- Resolved
MC-46894 Can still break blocks with sword in creative
- Resolved
MC-47247 Hotbar Duplication bug
- Resolved
MC-50071 Block disapearence
- Resolved
MC-50493 Item Glitch in Creative
- Resolved
MC-51599 Break Blocks With Sword In Creative
- Resolved
MC-52447 Stonme disappears when I place it
- Resolved
MC-54743 Inventory 'Ghost Item' Glitch
- Resolved
MC-54882 Block dissapearing when shifted in inventory and then placed
- Resolved
MC-55696 Moving blocks in creative inventory with number keys
- Resolved
MC-57049 Block Duplication Glitch in 14w25a Snapshot
- Resolved
MC-63629 Switching a sword with number keys allows it to break blocks in creative
- Resolved
MC-74030 Can shoot using arrows using sword
- Resolved
MC-75275 Command blocks glitching in hotbar
- Resolved
MC-76903 Shooting arrows with the sword
- Resolved
MC-82214 Creative Hotbar Swapping Bug
- Resolved
MC-84713 Switching Items in Hotbar by Keyboard
- Resolved
MC-85303 Using Number Keys to Switch Items in Hotbar in Creative Places the Wrong Blocks - read on.
- Resolved
MC-85553 Problem with switching items in inventory with number keys
- Resolved
MC-86653 Switching blocks within creative hotbar using numkeys only switches graphic
- Resolved
MC-86982 Dragon Head Placement w/ No Item Selected
- Resolved
MC-87202 the problem with rolled items in the inventory
- Resolved
MC-87614 Hotbar Bug
- Resolved
MC-90276 Hoe Bug.
- Resolved
MC-91870 Spawn egg acts like item you swap with!
- Resolved
MC-92206 Using numbers to move objects in hotbar in Creative inventory glitches.
- Resolved
MC-92248 Swap Items Bug - 15w45a
- Resolved
MC-92654 Selected Item's Attribute Modifiers Not Applying
- Resolved
MC-94117 Creative quick slots bug
- Resolved
MC-94539 Sword Destroy Block In Creative
- Resolved
MC-96085 Bow Glitch
- Resolved
MC-97041 Sword Bug
- Resolved
MC-99099 Inventory Update (moving items with # keys)
- Resolved
MC-99326 Switching items with the number keys updates client side, but not server side.
- Resolved
MC-99551 Bug when swap items in creative mode
- Resolved
MC-102349 Can break blocks in creative w/ sword
- Resolved
MC-102876 Switching Items in hotbar using numbers causes Items to place the wrong block
- Resolved
MC-102883 Wrong block placed when hotbar order is changed using shortcut keys
- Resolved
MC-103925 bloc placing probleme while bloc solt number change via keyboard
- Resolved
MC-104644 Using hotbar keys can create ghost items
- Resolved
MC-104646 Using the 1-9 keys to move blocks in the hotbar break their placeability
- Resolved
MC-105890 Minecraft bone meal bug
- Resolved
MC-106184 Creative Mode Graphical Item Glitch/Bug
- Resolved
MC-106373 Blocks not placing after using 1-9 keys to move items in inventory
- Resolved
MC-106491 Block-Switch Placement Bug
- Resolved
MC-106736 Ghost Block Command Block Glitch
- Resolved
MC-106994 Pressing 1-9 to swap items makes the blocks act weird...
- Resolved
MC-108119 Block incorect after rearranging blocks in hotbar using number row
- Resolved
MC-108494 Placing wrong block after using hotkeys to move item in hotbar (Creative)
- Resolved
MC-108543 Item swap
- Resolved
MC-3161 Block disappears when placed in creative
- Resolved
MC-4541 Items in hotbar disapears after rightclicking dispensers
- Resolved
MC-5138 Number Clicking
- Resolved
- relates to
MC-26716 Number keys not directly switching items in containers
- Resolved
MC-341 Duplication and deletion of hotbar items in Creative using number keys
- Resolved
MC-122417 Ghost Block Number Fast-hotbaring
- Open
MC-86455 Pick-block creates ghost items in Creative when hotbar is full
- Resolved
MC-87019 Only visible slots are updated clientside when you are inside an inventory
- Resolved
MC-97819 Weird ghost items when items are picked up while in creative mode in a non-survival inventory tab.
- Resolved
MC-116622 Sometimes blocks from creative inventory can't be placed or dropped
- Resolved