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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-279157

Some report category names are improperly capitalized


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works As Intended
    • None
    • 1.21.4
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Text

      The Bug:

      Some report category names are improperly capitalized.

      Throughout the game, the titles of buttons are normally capitalized, but this isn't always the case with the player reporting, therefore introducing an inconsistency. This may be due to these strings also being present within a list, but I think the same capitalization rules should still apply.

      Affected Strings:

      Before reading the table, please note the following:

      • Words colored in GREEN are correct.
      • Words colored in RED are incorrect.


      Translation Key Current String Expected String String URL on Crowdin
      gui.abuseReport.reason.alcohol_tobacco_drugs Drugs or alcohol Drugs or Alcohol https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331702 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.child_sexual_exploitation_or_abuse Child sexual exploitation or abuse Child Sexual Exploitation or Abuse https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331674 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.generic I want to report them I Want to Report Them https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5346633 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.harassment_or_bullying Harassment or bullying Harassment or Bullying https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331686 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.hate_speech Hate speech Hate Speech https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331682 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.imminent_harm Threat of harm to others Threat of Harm to Others https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331690 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.non_consensual_intimate_imagery Non-consensual intimate imagery Non-Consensual Intimate Imagery https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331706 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.self_harm_or_suicide Self-harm or suicide Self-Harm or Suicide https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331698 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.sexually_inappropriate Sexually inappropriate Sexually Inappropriate https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5366764 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.terrorism_or_violent_extremism Terrorism or violent extremism Terrorism or Violent Extremism https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331678 
      gui.abuseReport.reason.defamation_impersonation_false_information Defamation Defamation https://crowdin.com/editor/minecraft/10038/enus-engb?view=comfortable#5331694 

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Display any of the affected strings as listed above by using the command provided below and replacing "XYZ" with the string's translation key.
        /tellraw @s {"translate":"XYZ"}
      2. Observe the string's capitalization.

      Observed Behavior:

      Some report category names are improperly capitalized.

      Expected Behavior:

      All report category names names would be properly capitalized.

        1. MC-279157.png
          915 kB
        2. MC-279157-1.png
          1.10 MB

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            Avoma [Mod] Avoma
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