Resolution: Unresolved
Data Packs
Loading custom biome through data pack is an experiment feature. All experimental registers (like damage_type, worldgen/*, etc) have a feature where the game will refuse to load data packs if the JSON format or data type is incorrect. Instead of a simple warning and keep loading the data packs. But this is an exception.
If you attempt to load this file, the game output only warning this:
... "carvers": [], "features": [ { "feature": { "type": "minecraft:ore", "config": { "discard_chance_on_air_exposure": 0, "targets": [ { "target": { "predicate_type": "minecraft:tag_match", "tag": "minecraft:base_stone_overworld" }, "state": { "Name": "minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane" } } ], "size": 20 } }, "placement": [ { "type": "minecraft:count", "count": 4 }, { "type": "minecraft:height_range", "height": { "type": "minecraft:uniform", "min_inclusive": { "absolute": -30 }, "max_inclusive": { "absolute": 30 } } }, { "type": "minecraft:biome" } ] } ], "spawners": {}, ...
Features: Failed to parse either. First: Not a string: {"feature":{"type":"minecraft:ore","config":{"discard_chance_on_air_exposure":0,"targets":[{"target":{"predicate_type":"minecraft:tag_match","tag":"minecraft:base_stone_overworld"},"state":{"Name":"minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane"}}],"size":20}},"placement":[{"type":"minecraft:count","count":4},{"type":"minecraft:height_range","height":{"type":"minecraft:uniform","min_inclusive":{"absolute":-30},"max_inclusive":{"absolute":30}}},{"type":"minecraft:biome"}]}; Second: Not a json array: {"feature":{"type":"minecraft:ore","config":{"discard_chance_on_air_exposure":0,"targets":[{"target":{"predicate_type":"minecraft:tag_match","tag":"minecraft:base_stone_overworld"},"state":{"Name":"minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane"}}],"size":20}},"placement":[{"type":"minecraft:count","count":4},{"type":"minecraft:height_range","height":{"type":"minecraft:uniform","min_inclusive":{"absolute":-30},"max_inclusive":{"absolute":30}}},{"type":"minecraft:biome"}]}
Steps to Reproduce:
- Load this pack datapack_object.zip.
- Check the game output.
- Open Single Biome world type and search for the "example:feature_object".
This biome appears in the list, which means that the game has loaded the biome correctly. - Select it and create the world.
- When you enter the world, you can do them:
- Enter F3 and ckeck the biome.
The biome is "example:feature_object". - Run these command for search "orange_stained_glass_pane ore":
/gamemode spectator @s /effect give @s minecraft:night_vision infinite 0 true
There in no "orange_stained_glass_pane ore", which means that the features field is incorrectly.
The datapack_array.zip use correctly format, can generate "orange_stained_glass_pane ore",
These means set a object in "features" array field is a incorrectly format.
Expected Result:
Here should be "Data Pack Vaildation failed" screen and prevent loading world.
Observed Result.
See above. The biome loaded normally with game output warning.