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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-278761

Entities face a different direction after entering an End portal than before


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.21.4, 25w02a
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Entities

      Steps to Reproduce:
      Preparation: The chunk must load properly when the player enters the End (e.g. using the new version's pearl loader, or the testers may have better methods).
      1. For Gravity Blocks
      Step 1: Place a sand block (or another gravity block) at a high position.
      Step 2: Wait for it to fall but do not let it land.
      Step 3: Use slime blocks to push it into the End portal from the side.
      Step 4: Enter the End portal.

      2. For Dropped Items
      Step 1: Place a dispenser next to the side of the End portal, facing the portal.
      Step 2: Place items inside the dispenser.
      Step 3: Use a high-frequency redstone signal to repeatedly trigger the dispenser.
      Step 4: Enter the End portal.
      Observed Results:
      1.For Gravity Blocks
      They will retain their momentum and fly out with a 90-degree rotation (for example, as shown in images 3 and 4 of the four images I provided, where they enter from the north-south direction but fly out along the east-west direction).

      2.For Dropped Items
      They will fly out in random directions (a video demonstration is included in the files in the link I provided).[Describe what happens]
      Expected Results:
      Under normal circumstances, both gravity blocks and dropped items should retain their momentum in the same direction as the Overworld (as shown in images 1 and 2 of the four images I provided).
      In addition to the four images provided, there is also a video, a save file, and a save-related information file in the link below.
      This issue was first discovered in version 1.21.3, but the official team did not fix it in version 1.21.4. It has affected the use of my machines. Gravity block testing may be a bit difficult, but testing with dropped items might be easier.

        1. 1.png
          2.99 MB
        2. 2.png
          3.33 MB
        3. 3.png
          2.78 MB
        4. 4.png
          3.46 MB

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