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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-277101

Destroying a creaking heart with player-activated TNT does not grant the Monster Hunter advancement


    • Confirmed
    • Advancements
    • Normal
    • 1308959
    • Expansion A

      The Bug

      The player is granted the Monster Hunter advancement when destroying a Creaking Heart. However, this does not occur if player-activated TNT destroys the Creaking Heart (TNT lit with a flint and steel, fire charge, or flaming arrow shot by the player, for instance).

      This also affects the Monsters Hunted advancement.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Run the following: 
        /advancement revoke @s everything
      2. Place a Creaking Heart between two Pale Oak logs. Break the heart using an axe, and note how you get the Monster Hunter advancement.
      3. Repeat Step 1.
      4. Place a Creaking Heart between two Pale Oak logs again, and then light TNT next to it using flint and steel, so the heart gets destroyed.

      Observed Results

      The player does not earn the Monster Hunter advancement.

      Expected Results

      The player earns the Monster Hunter advancement even if they use TNT to destroy the heart.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Arnav78 Viradex
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