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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-275796

The use_cooldown component does not work for item usage interactions on blocks


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 24w34a, 1.21.2, 1.21.3
    • Confirmed
    • Commands, Items
    • Normal
    • 1285606
    • Expansion B

      The new use_cooldown component does not work for items which are used on blocks. This would be instances like; books into a chiseled bookshelf, dye/(glow) ink sacs onto signs, putting items into campfires, attaching a compass to a lodestone, and more.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Place a lodestone
      2. Get 2 (or more) compass items with a cooldown
        /give @p compass[minecraft:use_cooldown={seconds:3}] 64
      3. Use it on the lodestone

      Expected Result:

      The compass would be put on a cooldown, because it has been used on the block.

      Observed Behavior:

      The compass is not put on a cooldown, and can be used again on the block.



            kingbdogz [Mojang] Brandon Pearce
            Jingy [Mod] Jiingy
            5 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
