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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-274521

Player head and hitbox will be visible when rejoining a world with "spectatorsGenerateChunks" set to false while being in spectator mode and in a non-entity-ticking chunk


    • Community Consensus
    • Spectator
    • Player
    • Low
    • Platform

      If you in spectator mode and in non-entity-ticking chunk and the "spectatorsGenerateChunks" game rule is false, then save and quit and rejoin, your head and hitbox suddenly visible. This effect will go away when you leave the chunk, flying higher or flying into a solid block.

      Step 1: Type "/gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks false".
      Step 2: Switch to spectator mode, then go to the spawn chunk, then go to the "unload" chunk.
      Step 3: Press F3+B (optional) then save and quit then rejoin the world.
      Step 4: Press "E" or press "F5"

      Observe: Your head and your hitbox will be visible.
      Expected: You will be normal like when you in normal spectator mode.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Brain81505 Brain81505
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