Uploaded image for project: 'Minecraft: Java Edition'
  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-273262

Game appears to lag spike on single player


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.20.6, 1.21 Pre-Release 4, 1.21 Release Candidate 1, 1.21
    • Windows 11
    • Community Consensus
    • Creative
    • Performance
    • Important
    • Platform

      While playing the game will allow a little movement, pause for 1 to 2 seconds then engage once again for around 8 seconds then pause for 1 to 2 seconds, and keeps doing this.  When I use the F3 key to look at the data there, the memory in the top right corner keeps rising, once it hits about 75% it seems to reset to around 20%, then starts increasing once again.  this corresponds to the pausing in the game.  This has happened on other snapshots after 1.20.6 and seems to get fixed then will work for a few days until another snapshot comes into play and will happen again.  When I exit the game the launcher will say that my game crashed and give the exit code: -1073740940.  I have attached a couple of the screen grabs and the profiling zip.  

        1. 2024-06-11_21_27_52-Hot & Cold-1_21-rc1.zip
          175 kB
        2. 2024-06-11_21.28.41.png
          1.86 MB
        3. 2024-06-11_21.28.49.png
          2.34 MB
        4. 2024-06-11_21.28.51.png
          2.34 MB
        5. launcher_log.txt
          642 kB
        6. launcher_log0.txt
          1.09 MB
        7. launcher_log1.txt
          1.34 MB
        8. launcher_log2.txt
          2.10 MB
        9. launcher_log3.txt
          1.02 MB
        10. launcher_log4.txt
          518 kB
        11. launcher_log5.txt
          456 kB
        12. launcher_log7.txt
          1.72 MB
        13. launcher_log8.txt
          748 kB
        14. launcher_log9.txt
          809 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            Kensyi42 Kensyi42
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