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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-272948

Wind Burst damages the player twice on one use, even when using Wind Charges


    • Confirmed
    • Combat, Enchantments, Player
    • Very Important
    • Expansion B

      Wind burst can damage the player 2 separate times on just one use, once when landing for the mace hit and another time for when the player lands after the wind burst, even when the player has used a wind charge to launch themselves, meaning that they shouldn't take damage on the first instance.

      To Reproduce:

      place an armor stand, use a wind charge to launch yourself and right when you're about to land, hit the armor stand with a mace enchanted with wind burst

      Observed Results:

      Player takes damage twice

      Expected Results:

      Player wouldn't take fall damage for the first land, since wind charges prevent fall damage.

      Note: the bug only happens if you hit the armor stand when you're about to hit the ground, meaning you have to hit late with the mace.

      This bug is not the same as MC-269985 or MC-270687. this is about player taking damage when wind charges should negate it



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