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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-272888

Zooming with riptide still applies mace wind burst if held in main hand


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.21 Release Candidate 1
    • 1.21 Pre-Release 2
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Enchantments, Items
    • 1247258
    • Expansion B

      Despite the fix for MC-270499, as long as you fall the sufficient distance while in a riptide zoom, if you hit a target while holding a mace, you will trigger the wind burst effect. This doesn't launch you, but seems to launch the target you hit the same distance as it would launch you, leading to some pretty fun results but probably should be fixed regardless. This is especially inconsistent because hitting the target with the wind burst mace with left click while in the riptide animation, even after falling more than 2 blocks, doesn't trigger wind burst at least from my testing.

      To reproduce this, you need to riptide from a higher location downwards to hit your target. The easiest way to pull this off is to abuse MC-136147 and have the trident in the off hand and mace in main hand. However, even without that exploit, you can still pull it off by switching to the mace immediately after riptide dashing. I found that it's most reliable to use a wind charge to launch yourself as the riptide would launch you too high, and then riptide dashing into the target. Of course, you have to be in the rain.


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            Thulxyphan CalXee
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