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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-272823

Wind Charges incorrectly cause damage to the player


    • Confirmed
    • Player
    • Important
    • 1246978
    • Expansion B

      Wind charges will damage the player for no reason after launching yourself, getting hit by another one on the way down and jumping once on the ground. 

      Steps to Reproduce (see video):

      • Build a tall pillar.
      • Stand next to the pillar and launch yourself.
      • When you're at the highest point of launch, throw another wind charge directly at the pillar.
      • Once you land, (you will expectedly take fall damage on landing, not a bug) quickly do a regular jump.

      Observed Results:

      You will take a lot of damage by just jumping and landing on the ground.

      Expected Results:

      You wouldn't take damage from jumping.

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