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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-272297

Wandering Trader UI slot are not aligned


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 24w20a, 1.21 Pre-Release 2
    • Community Consensus
    • UI
    • Low
    • Platform

      Like the title, While MC-263314 was marked as resolved, the issue was not actually fixed and is still present in 24w20a

      The correct fix method is: according to the slot alignment of "crafting_table.png", move the slot and the arrow of "villager.png" up by 1 pixel as a whole

      And moderator this issue is not a duplicate of MC-116465! Please do not mark this issue as duplicate

      MC-263314 was marked as a duplicate of MC-116465, which I believe is incorrect and is why the issue still exists.

      I think MC-116465 describes a non-standard issue between UIs, but I think the issue is a real bug rather than a "standard"

      Because unlike other UIs, "villager.png" is the only interface where the highlight position is not aligned with the slot.

      When the mouse moves over the slot, you can find the misalignment of the slot by observing the highlighted part, and then deduce that the slot position of "villager.png" is drawn incorrectly based on the slot position of "crafting_table.png". Fixing this issue will not affect other texture pack compatibility issues, as the slot size is larger than normal slots

        1. 111.png
          38 kB
        2. 222.png
          8 kB
        3. Compared.png
          8 kB
        4. Crafting_tableUI.png
          3 kB
        5. in-game.png
          26 kB
        6. villager_FIX.png
          1 kB

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