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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271951

Motion nbt in command cannot be above 10.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 24w19b
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Commands

      Generally in minecraft, each entity's motion tag value can be above 10.

      • 1. Give high value of knockback enchanted item like 
        /give @s stick[minecraft:enchantments={levels:{knockback:125}}]
      • 2. Hit the entity and get that Motion nbt value.
        /data get entity @e[type=!minecraft:player,limit=1,sort=nearest] Motion[0]

        In this way, we can confirm that entity can have values above 10. Motion value can be above 10 (If without the command). 

      • 3. But it cannot be able to above 10 with command. (It will be 0)
        /summon minecraft:villager ~ ~ ~ {Motion:[15.d,15.d,15.d]}
        /data modify entity @e[limit=1,type=!minecraft:player,sort=nearest] Motion set value [15d,15d,15d]
        /data modify entity @e[limit=1,type=!minecraft:player,sort=nearest] Motion set from entity @e[tag=entity_that_is_motion_too_high,limit=1] Motion 
        #Souce entity has Motion value above 10

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