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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-271065

Diagonal movement is not normalized when crouching or using certain items


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 25w02a
    • 1.20.5, 1.21
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Player
    • Important
    • Platform


      While crouching, drawing back a bow, or loading a crossbow, diagonal movement is not normalized, meaning, the player moves faster if they press down two keys and move diagonally. For example, pressing the forward and right movement keys will make the player move in that direction approximately 40% faster.

      To reproduce

      Enter a world and time how long it takes to cover a set distance while crouching, drawing a bow, or loading a crossbow. Ensure that you are only pressing one movement key during this time.

      Then, time how long it takes while pressing two movement keys and moving diagonally.


      Edit: This issue is also present when using other items that slow the player, for example, sounding a goat horn, eating food, drinking potions/milk, etc.

            HugoHagglund [Mojang] SHugoh
            SkeletonToast SkeletonToast
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