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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-269495

Identifiers for chest boats in a lang file affect both the item tooltip and the container gui


    • Confirmed
    • Resource Packs

      In a language file (such as en_us.json in assets/minecraft/lang), there are some lines referring to the Boats with Chests, for each wood type, and Resource Packs can edit the names of each identifier freely. However, the changes affect both the tooltip of the chest boats (when hovering over the chest boat item in the inventory) and the container guis (upon pressing the inventory key when sitting on a chest boat).

      This is an issue because Resource Packs may want to edit by default the name of a chest boat as it shows on the container but not on the tooltip (or viceversa), for accessibility, appearance or any other reason.

      Attached is a screenshot which shows the result when I edit the name of the cherry chest boat like this:

        "item.minecraft.cherry_chest_boat": "§0§lCherry Boat with Chest", 

      It looks fine on the container gui, but it's barely visible on the tooltip, because the background is black.

      Thank you!

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