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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-264093

Jigsaws of trail_ruins/buildings/group_upper are not set up properly


    • Confirmed
    • Structures
    • Normal
    • Gameplay

      The input fields in the Jigsaw of trail_ruins/buildings/group_upper_1/2/3/4/5 are not set up properly, being left as the same as a default jigsaw. This makes them unable to generate naturally. However they are on the list of template_pool/trails_ruins/buildings/grouped, which means they should be allowed to generate in the original design.


      How to reproduce:

      1. Use command /place template minecraft:trail_ruins/buildings/group_upper_1
      2. Right click on the jigsaw (there is only 1) to enter the GUI
      3. One should find all fields being at a jigsaw's default state, i.e. first 3 being minecraft:empty and last being minecraft:air.
      4. Perform the same check on group_upper_2/3/4/5 and find the same issue.

            MojangMoesh [Mojang] Moesh
            SigmoidFunction SigmoidFunction
            6 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
