Resolution: Duplicate
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I found the new cherry blossom forest and I broke some petals on a grass block and I noticed that every time I broke the petals the grass block would get the breaking block texture but just stuck on that phase. The more I placed and broke the petals on that grass block the more the breaking texture would become and soon the block broke very glitchy like.
What I expected to happen was...:
The petals to just break.
What actually happened was...:
The petals would break but so would the block under them.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Break the cherry blossoms petals.
2. Hold down LMB for like a frame longer after breaking the petals.
3. Notice what happened to the block under the petals.
- duplicates
MC-157404 Breaking blocks that can be instantly destroyed slowly breaks the targeted block behind them
- Reopened