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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-262414

Amethyst in calibrated sculk sensor is slightly wider than it should be


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • None
    • 23w18a
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Textures and models
    • Expansion A

      The bug

      MC-261214 was fixed in 23w16a, bringing the amethyst in the calibrated sculk sensor closer to other similar crosses. However, the fix is flawed slightly, and this amethyst appears very slightly wider than other crosses such as flowers, sugar cane and cobwebs.

      This is due to these two texture planes being defined from 0 to 16, rather than 0.8 to 15.2 like most other crosses are.

      The same issue affects melon stems and pumpkin stems (MC-236476).

      How to reproduce

      1. Download the "plane test" resource pack from this ticket
      2. Download the resource pack attached to MC-236476
      3. Apply both resource packs at the same time
      4. Place a cobweb
      5. Place a calibrated sculk sensor
      6. Compare the two crosses, checking how far they reach to the corners of the block

      Expected results

      The cross shape in calibrated sculk sensors would stop slightly short of the four corners of the block, like the cobweb does.

      Actual results

      It goes all the way to the corner, unlike cobwebs (and almost all other cross shaped models).

      How to fix

      This is a very, very easy fix - just change the 0s and 16s in the two amethyst elements in the calibrated_sculk_sensor.json model file to 0.8 and 15.2 respectively. A resource pack is attached which implements this fix.

      I'd strongly recommend doing the same thing for the melon stem and pumpkin stem models as well, since that fix is just as easy. The resource pack attached to MC-212630 fixes that issue.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            muzikbike Connor Steppie
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