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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-259906

Using end crystal explosions to damage players wearing blast protection armor causes them to fall down too fast


    • Plausible
    • Combat

      The bug:

      Double tapping (d-tapping / 2-tapping) someone with blast protection 4 armor using end crystals makes them fall down a lot faster than they should be.

      What is d-tap? A d-tap is a technique used in end crystal PvP to quickly kill someone holding a totem of undying. When you hit someone with a sword their body goes red (called damage tick). You then combine the damage from you sword with 1 end crystal within the same damage tick. After their damage tick ends you crystal them again which will kill them.

      Here's a video of the bug: https://youtu.be/MG2UHmturvM

      Here's a video which explains more about d-taps / 2-taps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LN5Uf7KHW0

      Expected behavior:

      They should fall down slightly slower if they get d-tapped than if they get hit with 1 crystal.

      Actual behavior:

      They fall down way too fast if you d-tap them.

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